Biomedical Engineering


Biomedical engineering is a discipline that applies engineering principles to understand, solve and create solutions to human and animal health problems through the use of technology.

Areas of specialization



Biomechanics is an area of knowledge that is interested in movement, balance, physics, resistance, and injury mechanisms that can occur in the human body as a result of various physical actions.






Bioelectronics is a multidisciplinary field that integrates biology and electronics for diagnostics and healthcare treatments. The regulatory activities of the nervous system can be monitored and controlled with bioelectronic technologies that affect specific molecular processes in neuronal communication.

Develop and manage industrial processes.

Modeling analog and digital systems

Design automated electronic equipment.



Bioimaging is an optical form of biosensing used to create noninvasive visual representations of biological processes in cells, tissues and anatomy for more accurate diagnosis and treatment of disease.

Fluorescence microscopy techniques for imaging to allow localization and tracking of individual particles.

Research of biological processes

Investigation of pathological processes



Biomaterials are materials created to integrate seamlessly into a biological system, they can be natural or synthetic and are used in medical applications to support, enhance or replace damaged tissue or biological function.

Biosensors to detect the presence and amount of specific substances and to transmit that data. Examples include blood glucose monitoring devices and brain activity sensors.

Methods to promote healing of human tissues, including sutures, clips and staples for wound closure and dissolvable dressings.

Medical implants, including heart valves, stents and grafts; artificial joints, ligaments and tendons; hearing loss implants; dental implants; and nerve-stimulating devices.

Neural engineering


Neural engineering is an interdisciplinary field that combines knowledge from neuroscience, computer science and engineering to understand, design and create systems inspired by the human brain. It aims to develop technologies and models that mimic the function and structure of the brain's neural networks for diverse applications, such as artificial intelligence, medicine and cognitive research.

Neural interfaces for stimulation

Neural interfaces for sensory functions

Neural interfaces for motor functions



Bioinstrumentation focuses on designing and developing electronic devices to measure and monitor biological signals in living beings. These instruments provide real-time information about biological and physiological functions, helping physicians, researchers and healthcare professionals to diagnose, treat and understand medical conditions.

Prosthetics and artificial organs: design and development of devices to replace or augment physiological functions.
augment physiological functions.

Medical imaging: to provide graphic representations of anatomical details and physiological functions.
anatomical details and physiological functions.

Biomolecular Engineering


Biomolecular Engineering is an interdisciplinary discipline that combines biology, chemistry and engineering to manipulate and redesign biological systems at the molecular level. It aims to create innovative solutions to a variety of challenges in fields such as medicine, energy, food and biotechnology.

- Bacterial genetics -The bacterial genome - Gene expression and regulation -Protein synthesis Classes of mutations -Genetic exchange: transformation, conjugation, transduction.

-Recombinant -DNA techniques -Vectors -Polymerase chain reaction -Molecular cloning -Mutation screening -Sequencing

-Metabolic engineering -Directed evolution -Biosensors -Bacterial artificial chromosome -Molecular diagnostics -Metagenomics

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