da Marco Bertolini mancano 6 anni
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For dyspraxic children, it is often very difficult to tie shoestrings.
Here are some tips that can help your child to cope with this somewhat challenging task.
This web page shows different methods to tie your shoelace when you are a dyspraxic child.
But those tips can help other children as well.
For dyspraxic or dyscalculic children, it is difficult to understand that the value of a number varies according to its position.
The house of numbers helps the children understand what is the real value of a number.
Geometry requires some movement precision and coordination, which is a real problem for dyspraxic children.
A geometry program can help your child to better understand and be active in this important subject.
Geogebra is a mathematics application available in different languages.
It can be used on a computer but also on a smartphone or a tablet.
Those sheets cannot "cure" dyspraxia: they constitute a support for the children to write and to participate to school activities.
This paper sheets generator has been created by a French blogger.
It generates paper sheets for dyspraxic children, with a number of coloured lines, etc.
For dyslexic children, some fonts are more readable than others.
Some special fonts have also been created to match the Dys children special needs. Those fonts have a better contrast between b and d, for instance, and that helps the dyslexic persons to distinguish more easily those letters.
If you use the Chrome browser, you can add this extension and read all the web pages with that special font.
Open Dyslexic is an open source font designed by Abelardo Gonzalez and based on the font Bitstream Vera Sans.
This font is free and can be used at home, for school and even for business.
The reading rulers are small bands of paper or of cardboard with a hole in shape of a text line in the middle.
Children can read a line at a time with those rulers, but some dyspraxic children can have difficulties to manipulate the ruler along the page.
Le Cartable fantastique is a French website dedicated to dyspraxic children.
It offers a lot of resources to help children, families and teachers alike.
Landscape rulers
You can download, print and cut out those rulers in landscape format.
Portrait rulers
You can download, print and cut out those rulers in portrait format.
Aidodys is a Chrome extension that allows you to adapt any text to dys children by changing the colours, the fonts, the space between the letters, etc.
Those programs read the text for your child.
Instead of struggling to read his or her course, your child can listen to the text through an electronic voice that sounds like a human one.
This Chrome extension reads out loud all the Web pages you explore with your favorite browser.
You can adjust the settings of your iPad so a voice reads all the texts on your tablet.
You can also use the voice over feature to read the ebooks in iBooks.
Natural Reader is also a text to speech application.
But some of its features are paying options.
Very complete application but with a limited free version.
Balabolka is a Russian word that means "word mill".
This little programme allows you to listen to any written text on a Microsoft computer.
It is the most complete free vocal reader.
It can work not only with English but with a lot of languages including Russia, Romanian, Polish, Portuguese, French, Chinese, etc.