Categorie: Tutti - recipes - terminology - techniques - ingredients

da Agnese Cimino mancano 7 mesi


Revisione della terminologia specifica in inglese:Ingredienti:Liquori: base alcolica del cocktail (es. gin, vodka, rum, whisky)Modificatori: aromatizzano e bilanciano il cocktail (es. vermouth, su

When discussing specific English terminology related to food and beverages, several key areas emerge. First, understanding the precise ingredients and their names is fundamental, especially when dealing with diverse cuisines or dietary requirements.

Revisione della terminologia specifica in inglese:Ingredienti:Liquori: base alcolica del cocktail (es. gin, vodka, rum, whisky)Modificatori: aromatizzano e bilanciano il cocktail (es. vermouth, su

Specific English terminology on: Ingredients:

Revisione della terminologia specifica in inglese

English conversation exercises Explanation of the recipes

How to order and prepare a cocktail:
Tell the bartender your preferences and any ingredients you don't like.
Simulate being in a bar and order a cocktail in English.
Pairing with dishes:
Explain why you think the two flavors complement each other.
Choose a cocktail and recommend a dish to pair it with.
Choose a cocktail you know and explain the recipe in English to a partner. Use specific terminology and describe preparation techniques.
Utilizzare la terminologia specifica e descrivere le tecniche di preparazione
Scegliere un cocktail conosciuto e spiegare la ricetta in inglese al partner

Pairing with dishes: cured meat , cheeses, first dishes red meats salad croissant arancini, various appetizers

red meats
first dishes
cured meat ,

Searching and presenting information about a specific Cocktail: Spritz

Instructions: Fill the glass with ice to the brim. Pour the Prosecco slowly, keeping the neck of the bottle close to the glass to avoid too much foam. Add the Aperol. Top with sparkling water or soda. Add a little more ice if necessary. Mix gently with the stirrer. Garnish with a slice of orange. Advice: If you don't have a measuring cup, you can use a 3:2:1 ratio for Prosecco, Aperol and sparkling water. For an extra twist, you can add a green olive as a garnish. If you prefer a more bitter taste, you can replace Aperol with Campari. The spritz is a perfect cocktail for an aperitif or as a refreshing drink during a hot day.
Guarnire con una fetta d'arancia
Filtrare in un bicchiere Old Fashioned con ghiaccio
Mescolare per 30 secondi
Versare tutti gli ingredienti in un mixing glass con ghiaccio
History: Originally from Veneto, Italy. Invented as a light aperitif.
Chiamato Negroni in onore del conte
Sostituzione del seltz con il gin nell'Americano
Richiesto dal conte Camillo Negroni al barista Fosco Scarselli
Creato a Firenze nel 1919

Spritzer: Ingredients: Aperol, prosecco, seltzer water, orange slice Preparation: Fill a glass with ice. Pour Aperol and prosecco in equal parts (3 cl each). Fill with soda water. Garnish with an orange slice.

Vermouth rosso dolce (30 ml)
Campari (30 ml)
Gin (30 ml)

Preparation techniques

Muddle: muddle fruit or herbs in the glass
Building: pour the ingredients
Shaking: Shake the ingredients with ice in a shaker
Stirring: mix the ingredients with a spoon


Ice bucket
Bar spoon
Mixing glass
lemon sices
fruit juices