da Albino De la Cruz mancano 4 anni
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Whose particular viewpoint is represented by this map?
Type in the appropriate name and press Enter.
Where to next?
When you have completed your CATWOE analysis of your specific situation or project, you can:
Customers (or Clients) are the recipients of the situation or project - the people who are affected by it or its outcomes.
Proverbios 2:1-6
1. Hijo mío, si recibieres mis palabras,
Y mis mandamientos guardares dentro de ti,
Haciendo estar atento tu oído a la sabiduría;
Si inclinares tu corazón a la prudencia,
Si clamares a la inteligencia,
Y a la prudencia dieres tu voz;
Si como a la plata la buscares,
Y la escudriñares como a tesoros,
Entonces entenderás el temor de Jehová,
Y hallarás el conocimiento de Dios.
Porque Jehová da la sabiduría,
Y de su boca viene el conocimiento y la inteligencia.
What is the specific situation or project?
Type in the name of the situation or project that you are analyzing, and press Enter.
The Owners of a situation or project are the people in charge, who can authorize, control, direct or influence it.
Describe the World View and add some data about it that suits the scenario or project.
Describe the Owners and add some information about the role they play in this situation or project.
The Environment is the set of policies, constraints or resources surrounding this specific situation.
Describe the Environment and add some information about it around the situation or project.
The Actors are the people who create or deliver the situation or project.
Describe the Customers and add some information about them in the specific situation or project.
Describe the Actors and add some information about them in the specific situation or project.