Categorie: Tutti - conservation - society - renewable - resources

da holly galligher mancano 6 anni


how do human activities change the planet

Human activities have significantly altered the planet, primarily through the development and use of various energy resources. The extraction and consumption of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas have led to widespread pollution, affecting both living and nonliving systems on Earth.

how do human activities change the planet

how do human activities change the planet?

In ways, we continue to help the earth but in ways, we are still causing harm to it. We need to continue to find ways to help the earth and keep it clean.

what issues does waste from humans cause?

sources: slideshow claim: our waste is everywhere its causing issues for; wildlife, ocean life, amount of land has decreased evidence: The average person in the U.S. produces 4.4 pounds of solid waste in one day. 33% has been recycled and 55% has gone to landfills. The U.S. generates over 10 billion tons of waste every year. The amount of waste has American's produce has almost tripled since 1960's connections: I can tell the difference between metal and nonmetals vocabulary: solid waste-any discarded solid material, biodegradable- can be broken down by biological process, MSW- waste produced by households and businesses

how has human society been influenced by the availability of rock, mineral, and energy resources?

sources: slideshow claim: the availability of the resources have gone down. evidence: the U.S. regulations require acid-producing rock to be disposed of as to not contaminate water, noise is also a pollutant, water seepage can dissolve toxic substances like arsenic connections: putting gas into a car vocabulary: subsidence-the sinking regions of the ground with little or no horizon movement, mineral-a solid inorganic substance of natural occurrence, subsurface mining-mining that occurs 50m or lower in earth's surface.

how do human societies use earth's resources?

sources: slideshow claim: we use earth resources for many things. to create electricity is one of them evidence: resource distribution; rock and mineral - plate boundaries, energy resources- ancient seas, water resources- lakes, rivers, and swamps, air and climate- moderate temps, land resources- fertile soils, plain, deltas. connections: I can tell the difference between metals and nonmetals. vocabulary: metallic- conduct electricity, shiny, opaque, nonmetallic- insulators, dull, translucent, ore minerals- minerals that are valuable and economic

what impact do natural hazards have on individuals and societies?

sources: slideshow claim: we cannot prevent them we just need to know how to prepare for them. evidence: Geophysical- volcanoes + earthquakes, hydrological- floods + tsunamis, climatological- droughts + wildfires. burning fossil fuels>greehouse gases>climate change>rising sea levels connections: I remember watching about hurricane Harvey, Irma, Jose, Maria in 2017 vocabulary: natural hazards- effects of specific earth processes that can cause harm to people and property, Biodiversity- a variety of organisms

what is the impact of developing and using energy resources on earth's living and nonliving systems?

sources: slideshow claim: making the resources pollutes in many different ways evidence: most electricity is produced from the movement of a turbine, low gas taxes in the U.S. prevents conservation, renewable energy that never runs out, solar, wind, water, heat from earth are renewable resources connections: we have solar powered lights in our garden vocabulary: fossil fuels- remains of organisms that changed into coal, oil, or natural gas, renewable energy- energy from a source that is replenished quickly enough that will not be used up faster than it can be produced, electric generator- a machine that coverts medical energy or motion into electrical energy.

with almost everything we do we create some kind of waste. we release greenhouse gases, and litter so much.