Categorie: Tutti - proteccionismo - comercio - balanza - competitividad

da Sharette Ortez mancano 2 anni


Entorno Dinámico del Comercio Internacional

En un entorno de comercio internacional cada vez más dinámico, el libre comercio y la apertura de nuevos mercados ofrecen oportunidades significativas para la introducción de nuevos productos y servicios.

Entorno Dinámico del  Comercio Internacional

Grupo #6

Entorno Dinámico del Comercio Internacional

The Personal SWOT Analysis will provide insights based on your personality strengths and weaknesses, challenges you see ahead, opportunities present around you now, as well as future favorable circumstances.


Once you have listed out your SWOT - It's now time to evaluate and determine further steps that need to be taken in order to achieve your goals.

There are mainly two methods:
1) Matching
2) Turning negatives into positives

Barreras Comerciales

The other method is converting your weaknesses into strengths or threats into opportunities.

For example: growing a skill set through education, finding a creative way to feature a weakness as a strength, etc.

Barreras en el mercado
Multas anti-dumping


Barreras monetarias

Aprobación gubernamental

Tasas cambiarias diferenciales

Bloqueo de divisas





Protección lógica e ilógica

You can evaluate your results using the matching method, which means connecting two of the categories to determine a course of action.

Please see a few examples here.

Mercado local

Matching weaknesses to threats exposes areas you should work on or situations to avoid, letting you know where to be more defensive as well.

Industria inmadura

For example matching strengths to opportunities shows you where to be aggressive and take action.

Del siglo XX al XXI

This is the most important step of all: bringing the plan into action.

Start using your results to track your progress. Set up measurements and milestones and keep working toward them. Step by step, you will get where you want to be, so get started now!

La primera década del siglo XXI y más allá
Más eficientes, mejorar y extender el alcance global
El comercio mundial y las multinacionales estadounidenses
Posición competitiva en bienes de Capital
Balanza comercial
Competidores mundiales dinámicos
Oportunidades de Marketing Global
La competencia creciente en los mercados de exportación
La resistencia a la inversión directa extranjera
Patrones Comerciales y Tradicionales

El Fondo Monetario Internacional y el Grupo del Banco Mundial

For the opportunities section, look at the external factors you can take advantage of in pursuing a promotion, finding a new job or determining a direction for your career.

Ayudan a naciones en economías viables y sustentas

'Technology' is not equal to Information Technology. For example, if you are in the soap-making business and you bring machines that speed up the process, you have introduced new technology or a process.

Add some questions and answers related to your industry and niche.

Disminución de las restricciones comerciales

This part examines the areas which you need to improve and the things that will set you back in your career.

It is really important to be honest when you list out your weaknesses.

Organización Mundial de Comercio (OMC)
Resuelve aspectos
Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles y Comercio (GATT)
Códigos internacionales

Protección a las industrias

Efectuarse sin discriminaciones

Ley de recopilación de comercio y competitividad
Ayuda y corrige

Ask people around you about your weaknesses - such as the colleague sitting next to you, your sibling or your best friend.

Balanza de Pagos

Begin by identifying your strengths. These are the traits or skills that set you apart from others.

List out all your strengths - if you get stuck, talk to people around you and ask for their input. Please be honest with yourself.


These are sample questions and sample answers, please feel free to add your own questions and answers.

Cuenta de Reservas

Skills that you are naturally born with

Have you ever heard someone say 'you are as hard-working as your dad'?

If you are unable to point them out, ask people around you, most likely someone from your family will be able to tell you your Natural Talents.

Choose from the examples below or/and add others:

I am an IntrovertI am a quick problem solverI like to innovateI am practicalOther


Cuenta de Capital

What are the Skills that you have developed over time?

These are the skills you have learned because you view them as essential OR people advised you to acquire them in order to improve yourself.

Choose from the examples below or add others:

Writing SkillsAnalytical and Research skillsLeadership and Management SkillsAbility to Plan, Organise and Prioritise WorkAbility to Make Decisions and Solve problemsOther


Cuenta Corriente

This is something that you learn unconsciously OR you learn by just observing someone you look up to (family/ colleagues/ teachers etc.)

Take a deep breath, close your eyes, think for a minute and type in your 'Natural Strengths' here.

Choose from the examples below or/and add others:

FocusedTaking InitiativeHonestIntegrityCountinous LearningOther


Perspectiva Global

Libre Comercio
Surgimiento de dinámicas comerciales
Oportunidades Comerciales
Introducir un nuevo producto o servicio
Apertura de los Mercados Nuevos
Mediante acuerdos específicos
De manera integrada