Categorie: Tutti - feedback - differentiation - collaboration - motivation

da Charmaine DeLange mancano 4 anni


Class Management Online

Efficient online class management involves several strategies to ensure student engagement and completion of coursework. Key areas include providing descriptive and timely feedback, fostering positive student-teacher relationships, and utilizing calendars and reminders to help students manage their time effectively.

Class Management Online

Class Management Online

Course Work Completion

17 Strategies to encourage work completion:
Completing all work in full

Teaching importance of time-management

Meeting deadlines

Calendars, updates, timelines

Motivating students to complete all tasks in full

Collaborative learning experiences

Descriptive and timely feedback


Engaging lessons

Differentiation, UDL

Assignment completion of students

Use calendars, reminders, etc.

Authenticity of products

Chunking / manageable steps

Feedback and conferencing


Positive student-teacher relationships

Online Conduct

Identifying cyberbullying:
Demonstrating good online citizenship

Integrating principles of good citizenship throughout lessons

Responding to rude or antisocial behaviour

Monitor student interactions to intervene

Equip with pro-active response strategies

Responding to cyberbullying

Inform students of resources to report


Contact administration

Contact parents/guardians

Talk to student(s)

Monitoring behaviour

Set specific expectations that are known to students

Use LMS technology (if possible) that filters for content

Dedicate time to go through public posts and forums

Preventing rude or antisocial online behvaiour

Monitor for and discipline appropriately

Foster sense of community through activities students engage in

Modeling positive interactions

Explicitly teaching pro-social behaviour

Preventing cyberbullying

Structure activities to foster a sense of community and collaboration between students

Explicitly teach pro-social behaviour

External Sources

Copyright laws and information for educators:
Avoiding plagiarism

Using citation generators

Learning to cite sources properly.

Preventing plagiarism

Use plagiarism checking software

Provide links to citation generators

Teach students how to attribute sources

Getting permission to use copyrighted materials

Send a direct request to use copyrighted materials

Avoiding use of copyrighted materials

Use Fair Dealing Decision Tool to determine if material is copyrighted

Internet Safety

Internet safety for teachers:
Information to share with your students:
Personal information and identity protection

Teach safe internet practices to students, e.g. Don't yap your YAPPY

Password protection

Use safe internet practices: e.g. don't give address, phone number, other personal information, etc. .g.

Protecting student information and confidentiality

Ensure secure connection

Don't discuss information

Use strong passwords

Adhering to policies and guidelines

Be aware of policies set by board, school, etc.

File Management

Organizing content on your LMS (Blended Approach):
Storing and saving files:
Helping students find content:
Storing and organizing notes

Inform students of digital note-taking software

E.g. OneNote, Evernote, Docs, etc.

Locating files

Clear sequencing of lessons in a unit, and modules within a lesson (e.g. Unit 1 > Lesson 1 > Module 1.1, 1.2, 1.3).

Clear instructions on where to find work.

Introduction to course should cover VLE navigation.

Storing and tracking student work

Only allow students to submit work through one system. This does not mean they cannot attach external links, but all assignments are tracked by the same LMS (e.g. only submit through Google Classroom "Turn In" option).

Clear instructions on how to hand in assignments

Organizing files into units; sequencing and ordering files in units/lessons

Use a numbering system to organize handouts and files into lessons (e.g. 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 are part of Lesson 1)