Categorie: Tutti - feedback - homework - teaching - socializing

da Alma González mancano 4 anni



Ein engelsk lærar har fleire oppgåver under ein typisk time. Ved starten av timen skriv han på tavla og seier ofte noko som "OK" eller "rett". Nye elevar blir introdusert ved å stille formelle spørsmål og la dei andre elevane introdusere seg.



Farewells and socializing.
Make sure you say goodbay naturally.
Making announcements.
Give them clearly and understandably and check the students have understood.
To set homework.
For individualized.

Allow time either before the lesson or during a break, or after the lesson, to set it.

Make sure the task is appropiate to the individual, that there is time for him to complete it, and you follow it up.

For "whole-class"

Clearly set the task, perhaps give an exampl, or start in on the board.

Make sure you have all the students' attention when setting it.

Summarizing and evaluating.
To provide feedback
Asking them what they found useful and what they didn't find useful not only fills gaps.
Telling the students what'll happen next time may also help to motivate them to return.
Some lessons need a brief summary of what has gone on.

My English teacher.

Finishing a lesson.
He sets homework.
He makes an announcement.
He writes on the blackboard.
He say "OK", "right or something similar.

Marking the stages of a lesson.

When an activity or a lesson has finished, it helps if the teacher is able to provide some kind of closure.
When an activity has finished and/or another is about to start, teachers need to re-focus the students' attention.

The teacher to raise his o her hand.

"OK, thanks... let's all face the front shall we?"

"Thank you... now can I have your attentio please?"

Teacher do not always explain exactly what they going to do (element of surprise).
When the teacher arrives in the classroom he or she needs to tell the students what they will be doing.

Starting a lesson.

You usually need:
Saying "Right", "OK" or something similar.
Closing the door.
Clapping your hands loud and clear.
Tapping chalk or a pen on the desk audibly.
Spending time before starting the lesson.
Give back homework.

Let them get to know you.

To talk the students individually.

Treating new arrivals.
Asking a few formal questions to find out something about them.
Getting the others to introduce themselves.
Stop the class and gently
Dealing with late arrivals.
To allow them to creep in and sit down quietly.
To stop the class and explain to the latecomer what is going on.
To exclude them.