is the ability to generate greater consumer satisfaction set a price or the ability to offer a lower price set a certain quality,is, optimizing the satisfaction or the price fixed some factors
Globalization is seen as a process of integration of economies and cultures in order to create a single market without trade restrictions, tariffs and policies and generate increased trade transactions in assets, services and technology to enhance the competitiveness of nations where They should take into account economic, technological and globalization issues
Customs procedure which allows the output of the national customs territory for domestic goods or goods in free circulation for final use or consumption in another country, complyingthe procedures to be carried out by the persons concerned and by the customs order to comply with customs legislation
Is defined as management toolkit available the State to maintain, alter or substantively alter the trade relations of a country with the world
Is the body of knowledge that aim promote and facilitate the process of exchange of goods, services, ideas and values between supply and demand of two or more countries to meet the needs and desires of customers and consumers, while bidders (companies, institutions or individuals), achieve their intentions regarding income, profit, service, support or proselytizing, which are the reason for his action and existence.
Rozas Gutiérrez, S., Corredor Velandia, C., Lombana Coy, J., Silva Guerra, H., Castellanos Ramírez, A., González Ortíz, J., & Ortiz Velásquez, M. (2013). Negocios internacionales : fundamentos y estrategias. Barranquilla, Col: Universidad del Norte.
Sassen, S. (2007). A sociology of globalization. Análisis político, 20(61), 3-27
Hill, C. (2008). International business: Competing in the global market place. Strategic Direction, 24(9)
Krugman, P. (1994). Competitiveness: a dangerous obsession. Foreign affairs, 28-44
Forero Medina & Abogados, A. (2015). REGULACIONES EN PROYECTO & NEGOCIOS INTERNACIONALES. Boletín Forero Medina & Abogados Asociados,
Is the entry of goods consisting of purchases, barter, gifts or donations from the rest of the world and the economic territory of a country
shows the relationship between two currencies. In Colombia this rate expresses the amount of pesos to be paid for each foreign currency. Generally the exchange is made by dollars, as this is the currency used most often in international transactions
Defined terms of negotiation and drawnby the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), US in order to establish a standardized language that can be used by buyers and sellers involved in international business.
Official assets, in which those (assets) are structured in an orderly and appear customs duties (ad valorem and / or specific)front of each product that can be subject of a commercial operation. Official rate, which takes the form of law, which determines the rights that have to paid on the importation of goods is established in accordance with the needs of the economy of a country
Collect receipts and payments registered in a country, as interest, dividends or profits generated by production factors (labor and capital), investment by residents of a country in the world or by nonresidents the country itself