Middle Passage


Kidnapped by African merchants and traded/sold to Europeans as slaves

Marched thousands of miles from home to African coast

Packed into 'tween decks in spaces smaller than graves

Sometimes only 18 inches tall

Given 2 very small meals per day

Forced to dance every morning for exercise

Shackles and neck chains rubbed skin raw

If they refused to dance they were whipped.

Many died during voyage

Disease--> spread like wildfire




Whipped to death

Thrown overboard if they became sick

Outcome of Slave Trade

10-15 million Africans arrived in America

20-30 million died during the voyage

Strong trade routes were established among Spain, Portugal, England, Africa, Americas, and many other countries.

Many African families torn apart

Many Africans kidnapped then sold/traded into the slave trade

Millions died during Middle Passage

Family members sold to different people once they reached the Americas

Some forced to cheat on spouse by their master


5 weeks to 3 months long


1 out of 6 slaves died during the voyage

Triangle Trade

Exchange of goods along the trade routes connecting Europe, Africa, and America

Highly successful

Each region produces different things that could not be found in the other regions.

Different goods considered very valuable to the different regions

Sailors that transported the goods earned a lot of money
