Epistemology - Mind Map


Knowledge by Acquaintance

Correspondence ex: As correspondence proposes that something is true if it corresponds with the facts, I thought this analogy would be fitting again. Society teachers us that women are treated less than . Proof of this is made apparent when we look at people with the most power around the world. Who are the presidents and prime ministers? Who are the politicians? Who benefits from the wage gap? People might begin to ask themselves, if women have the same capabilities as men, then why aren't they seen in positions of power as often? Ex 2: "The owl is perched on the branch". The truth of the statement relies on the agreement between beliefs and facts. It is only true if the owl is indeed perched on the branch.

Coherence ex: (Explained through the use of the gender equality analogy once again) Unfortunately, most people would agree that men and women are not equal in some way, shape or form. Feminists would argue we're not equal in terms of treatment, others would argue that biologically we are different, or that we vary in terms of how we think. Life coach Corey Wayne explains how women are more inclined to think with their emotions, while men think more logically. Since these questions evolving around the difference between the genders are asked so often, many would assume that it is safe to say that these assumptions are true. In conclusion, this belief that men and women are different, in some way, can be the outcome of following a popular set of beliefs. Ex 2: Another way coherence bases it's truth on, is if a proposition aligns with all other propositions that have already been confirmed to be true. For instance the statement, "my purple giraffe ate my pet megalodon shark". To assess the truth or falsity of this statement, using the the theory of coherence, you would consider the truthfulness of all other propositions in that statement. First, giraffes are herbivores, they only eat plants, so the chances of it eating a shark aren't probable. Second, giraffes are normally tan, orange, white, or yellow. Lastly, megalodon sharks grow up to between 15 and 18 meters (59 ft.) in length so it is highly unlikely that a person could obtain one as a pet. Not to mention they've been extinct for over 2.6 million years ago. Determining that other propositions in this statement are false could lead to the establishing that the entire statement is false.


Pragmatism ex: seeks to deal with affairs realistically, rather than theoretically. Considering the why, and how the belief matters to the world. Why aren't men and women equal? Why are they equal? How are they different? How are they the same? How do we know the facts we are told about women's abilities compared to men's abilities and vice versa, aren't resulted from studies that were formed with prejudice. For example, in the 19th century, Charles Darwin's theory about evolution revealed that women were inferior to men. This swayed societies views on women for quite some time, as more "Darwinist" thinkers appeared, believing that men had evolved more than men. Was this theory based on facts and research, or his bas towards women? How was this "truth" people were taught about evolution formed? Ex 2: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/54ad91eae4b04d2abc8d6247/t/5647d2cfe4b0cb54eb4b86b9/1447547600253/?format=1500w

Knowledge- Wh:

Correspondence ex: A lawyer doing research about a particular topic needs to ensure that the resources she is using are reliable and accurate in order to present this knowledge correctly. Ex 2: A student looking through their assigned textbook to get the correct answers.

Coherence ex: A mechanic is asked to figure out what is wrong with a clients car and fix it. In order for them to establish what's wrong, they must have a prior understanding of the car in order to know what they are looking for. If they do not, they might have trouble searching for the problem. They must have a previous set of coherent beliefs before fixing the vehicle. Ex 2: The statement "A cat is on a mat" is true only if there is a cat and a mat, and the cat is related to the mat, by bein on it.

Pragmatism ex: Your dishwasher breaks and you are trying to find the route of the problem that is causing it not to work, which will help you fix the appliance. If you're able to use you're knowledge-wh to fix the appliance, then your knowledge is valuable because it is helping you achieve your goal. However, if you are unable to find the problem and fix it, then you're knowledge may not be valuable. Pragmatism addresses the practical value of our knowledge. In this instance, it is assessing the truth of our belief to be able to fix the appliance.

Citations Dr. Buck's Chemistry Videos. (2019). Mixing Chemicals and Chemical Changes. YouTube. Retrieved April 28, 2023, from https://youtu.be/Ywa42sD2j84.

Davis, N. (2018, December 10). Women and girls less likely to be considered for 'brainy' tasks – study. The Guardian. Retrieved April 28, 2023, from https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/dec/10/women-girls-less-likely-considered-brainy-tasks-study

Brancu, M. (2021, April 25). 7 gender biases that impede progress. Psychology Today. Retrieved April 28, 2023, from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/new-look-womens-leadership/202104/7-gender-biases-impede-progress

Bergman, J. (1994, March 1). Darwin's teaching of women's inferiority. The Institute for Creation Research. Retrieved April 28, 2023, from https://www.icr.org/article/darwins-teaching-womens-inferiority/

Women are not logical. (2011). Youtube. Retrieved April 28, 2023, from https://youtu.be/3IJBnTMZ9r0.

Griew, L. (2022, November 7). 10 stigmas women still face every day - national. Global News. Retrieved April 28, 2023, from https://globalnews.ca/news/9258723/stigmas-women-face/

Knowledge- That:

Correspondence ex: I know the percentage of Canada's Indigenous population that is incarcerated, because that is what my social equity teacher taught me. Ex 2: In 2018, the American Psychologist journal conducted an experiment with 350 people, then again with 800 people. The participants were asked to read a job description then recommend two people for this mentally challenging job. Both men and women were less likely to refer a women to the "brainy"(as the article describes it) or mentally challenging job. The results of this experiment taught people that women were less qualified for intellectual jobs. This aided the belief that men are superior to women.

Coherence ex: Years ago some might have called the stereotypes formed about indigenous people impressionable. Especially during the 17th century when the majority assimilated to the outrageous belief that indigenous people were "less than human" and "barbaric". Unfortunately, since these so called "facts" weren't put to question very often during that time, this became the popular belief. This is similar to the bandwagon fallacy. Ex 2: The belief that the men are superior to the women is credulous. I say this because society continuously confirms this by clearing the pathway for men to succeed. Although traditional gender roles are no longer, gender norms are still entrenched in our society today, which is why things like the wage gap remain.


Pragmatism ex: Pragmatism seeks to understand the entirety of a truth and how it matters to the world. Pragmatics also can consider things true, without it being universally true. Some would refer to it as learning something through interaction as well. Before making assumptions about one group of people it's important to look at what other factors could be causing these rates to go up. As well as looking into if these stereotypes are coming from a credible source. Are these facts backed by research? Or simply opinions being formed by prejudice and ignorance? As for the incarceration rates, why are they so high for one group of people? Consider there upbringing. Are they a marginalized group in society? Do they have higher poverty rates? Are they disadvantaged? Ex 2: If women aren't seen as inferior to men, then why aren't more of them put in positions of power? Why hasn't their been a female president yet? If a women is constantly being given less opportunities then her male co-workers, she might consider this true. When will the institutional norms of males in power cease to exist? It is important to consider the route of the cause for a belief.

Making Connections: I think we are more susceptible to gain knowledge through acquaintances and through facts. For 14 years of our lives we are taught by teachers everything we know and then some go to school for another 4 years to learn more from teachers. I also said through facts because, facts provide of with the comfort of knowing something for certain. I think Knowledge-That is the superior form of knowledge because statistics are always backed by research and evidence. Personally i find myself easily swayed by the coherence theory of truth. If all other propositions align with other beliefs I am quick to assume that something is accurate or reliable information, which is interesting because that is not always the case.

Knowledge- How:

Correspondence: states that a belief is true if it corresponds to the way the world actually is. Knowledge-How refers to ones ability to do/ accomplish a skill/ability. This means they are connected in the sense where our skills/ abilities must correspond with the way the world works in order for us to use them effectively. Ex: Being capable/ having the skill of learning a new language is effective, as it allows us to communicate with a wider range of people around the world. However, learning other languages can obscure truths and be influenced by the languages they're expressed in. Ex 2: Learning a new instrument can be applied to this theory as well. This is because, we are required to understand how the instrument works and how to produce the correct sounds. In order to master the instrument, first we must understand how it works. In short, our knowledge of how to play an instrument must correspond with the way the instrument actually works in order to play it effectively.

Coherence becomes important when relating it to Knowledge How because having a coherent set of beliefs about our capability to accomplish something can aid us in using our skills more constructively. Ex: Somebody that is learning to play the guitar. If you have coherent understanding of the tune, the chords, and how they sound together, it can be used to make a song. Ex 2: Additionally, coherence also bases truth of a belief to which it aligns with other systems of beliefs. An example of this would be kids that believe in figures like the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, and the Easter bunny. These fairy tales are a popular belief among children and aligns with other kids believes of a certain age range. It also helps teaching kids about behaviour. Risking being put on the 'naughty' list due to bad behaviour, helps form obedient citizens. This relates to forming a consistent rational set of beliefs

Pragmatism: A student accumulating knowledge during their science class when performing labs. Conducting any type of experiment and witnessing the reaction of two different chemicals mixing together is learning through interaction. Ex 2: Humans feelings a sense of relief, peace, or contentment as well as other health benefits after spending more time in nature. This knowledge is learned through personal experience of spending more time outside.

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