Dreams and Nightmares

Types of Dreams

Day dreams

Recurring dreams

Having the same dream as someone else

Progressive dreams

Dreams that tell the future?

Lucid dreams


Being chased

Teeth falling out or breaking

What dreams mean


Trying to hide something

Theories of why we have dreams and the study of them

Express unconscious desires

Allows us to sort through unresolved wishes

Our brains trying to interpret external stimuli

To create connections between thoughts and emotions

Types of nightmares

Natural disasters

Being trapped

Teeth falling out

Seeing the dead

Being naked in public

Missing something important

Being chased

What nightmares mean



Inability to let go

Afraid of being judged

Not being in control

Theories of why we have nightmares and the study of them

Way to focus a person's attention on an issue they need to address

Make us anxious about potential threats