Asg2.1_Organisasi Pergerakan_Febryan_Shabrina_XI MIA 1

Indiche Partij

Founder: Dr. Ernest Francois Eugene Douwes Dekker

Cooperate with : Tjipto Mangunkusumo and Suwardi Suryaningrat

25 December 1912, Duch East indies

To build up field life, advocate work together with basic of equation of state administration, advancing homeland Dutch East Indies, and prepare the lives of the people 's independence.

Budi Utomo (BU)

Jakarta, 20 May 1908

Founder : Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo

The first native political society in Dutch East Indies

The poor economics in the Java island that happen because
of the westernization and the exploitation that the colonial did

Sarekat Islam (SI)

To develop the the economics and to be able to compete against other merchant from Western country

In the end of 1911, Solo

Founder : Haji Samanhudi

An organization that was created to improve the ecomonics under the banner of Islam


Yogyakarta, 18 November 1912

Founder : Ahmad Dahlan

A modern Islamic organization

Was found because of the Islamic people want some organization that can mend their hope and aspiration

Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI)

Near 25 December 1912

Founder : Henk Sneevliet

Was found to educate Indonesian's people to find a way to
decry colonialism

A socialist organization that's based on the values of Russian Communism

Nahdlatul Ulama (NU)

Kiai Wahab Chasbullah, Kiai Hasyim Asya'ri, and KiaiCholil

A big Islamic organization

31 January 1926

which move on field of education, sosial, and Ekonomy

Gerakan Dan Organisasi Pemuda

Early 20th Century

28 October as the Youth Pledge day

Youth Pledge

Slaughterous Indonesia (first)

One Nation which is Indonesia (second)

Uphold the unity of Indonesia (third)

Supported by :

Budi Utomo (1908)

Trikoro Dharmo (1915)

Jong Sumatra Bond (1917)

Association of Indonesia Students (1925)

Jong Indonesia (1927)

Indonesia Muda (1930)

Organization of regional associations

Taman Siswa

A Javanese educational movement in the Dutch East Indies

Founder : Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat (Ki Hajar Dewantara)

3 July 1922, Yogyakarta

Partai Indonesia (Partindo)

A Political Parties

30 April 1931 - 1937

Founder : Sartono

Achieves Indonesia Independence by running policy of non-cooperation againts the Dutch goverment.

Partai Nasional Indonesia (PNI)

Bandung, 4 July 1927

Founder : Ir. Soekarno

Was found to achieve the liberty of Indonesia with the foundation that Indonesia can stand on their own, non cooperation and Marhaenism

An organization lead by Ir. Soekarno to mend people's who feel that their aspiration is not represented in other political organization