Kategóriák: Minden - freedom - speech - assembly - religion

a Jason Janes 3 éve


the 1st amendment

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is a cornerstone of American democracy, safeguarding fundamental freedoms that are essential for a free society. It prohibits the government from enacting laws that infringe upon the freedom of speech, religion, and the press, thereby enabling individuals to express their thoughts openly, practice their faith without fear, and access diverse information.

the 1st amendment

the 1st amendment

I say the first amendment because the government should not be able to make laws that suppress our freedom of speech, freedom of religion and of the press. As an american we should be free with some limitations.

The reason this is most important is because it makes churches, and other religious things possible without it people would be fearful of being religious. Religion is a right that shouldn't be taken away because it is something people enjoy.

The freedom of speech allows us to speak our mind. The freedom of speech allows us to speak without having to raise our hand even though it is polite to raise our hand. We are allowed to argue.

The freedom of assembly allows us to get together like a family reunion or a Christmas party or something to do with meeting up with someone. We are allowed to get together and protest but not riot.

25th amendment

23rd amendment

27th Amendment

slows down the government from changing the salary of senators right away

25th Amendment

If the president dies or does something bad the vice president will take over

23rd Amendment

Gave the people in Washington DC the right to vote.

21st Amendment

got rid of the 18th amendment which made alcohol illegal

15th amendment
19th amendment

19th Amendment

Right for women votes

17th Amendment

Senators are elected by the people of the same state

15th Amendment

The right for citizens to vote cannot be obstructed

1st amendment

13th amendment
13th Amendment

Abolished slavery

9th amendment

11th Amendment

Not allowed to sue someone of another state in a federal court setting

9th Amendment

9th Amendment

People's rights

5th amendment

7th Amendment

7th Amendment

Jury in Civil Trials

5th Amendment

5th Amendment

Rights of the Accused

3rd Amendment

3rd Amendment

1st Amendment

1st Amendment

Freedom of Expression:

24th amendment

26th Amendment

people 18 and older are allowed to vote

24th Amendment

Abolished poll taxes

22nd amendment

22nd Amendment

the president cannot elect themselves for a 3rd term in office

20th Amendment

The old presidents presidency shall end at noon on January 20th

18th amendment

18th Amendment

made alcohol illegal in the U.S but was abolished by the 21st amendment

16th Amendment

Taxes shall be collected

4th amendment

14th amendment
14th Amendment

gave rights to former slaves it gave them a definition of citizenship. Those born in the U.S. can not have their rights taken away.

12th amendment

12th Amendment

VP must be elected on a separate ballot then the president

10th Amendment

10th Amendment

States Rights

6th amendment

8th Amendment

8th Amendment

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

6th Amendment

6th Amendment

Rights to a fair trial

4th Amendment

4th Amendment

Search and Seizure

2nd Amendment

2nd Amendment

Right to bear arms