Kategóriák: Minden - reflection - accuracy - privacy - communication

a Ryan Smith 3 éve



When engaging in online discussions, it's essential to adhere to netiquette guidelines to foster a positive and productive environment. Staying on topic ensures conversations remain relevant and valuable.



Remember - Your Digital Footprint is not Easily Erased

Posts and responses can be difficult to get back once online (i.e. comments can go virial, copied, stored, and/or shared with others).

Tone Down the Use of Strong Language

Using ALL CAPS - Gives the impression you are yelling.
Exclamation points - Gives a greater sense of urgency to a message than originally intended.

Respond to Other's in a Timely Manner

Respect other's Privacy

Do not post or share (even privately) personal information or inappropriate material.

Clarity is Essential

Avoid using abbreviations
Be clear and concise with comments to avoid misunderstandings when communicating online. Use short concise responses in order to convey intended meaning.

Be Accurate with Factual Information

Check facts before posting or responding to information and provide sources relating to the topic being addressed to clarify any misunderstanding

Stay on Topic

Do not post irrelevant links, posts, and/or opinion's

Pause and Reflect Before you Post

Practice your proofreading before posting or commenting in discussions. This will help to identifying and determine if there are any issues regarding your grammar, sentence structure, and tone.
Refrain from using sarcasm or humor - easily misinterpreted online.
Be mindful. Review your comments to ensure that you’ve conveyed exactly what you intended.

Avoid Repetition

Before asking a question. Check the classes FAQ's or perform a quick search on the internet.
Read everything in the discussion thread before replying. This will help avoid repeating something someone else has already contributed. Acknowledge the points already made with which you agree and suggest alternatives for those with which you don’t.

Promote Healthy Discussions

Help deepen learning within online discussions by posing questions, sharing experiences, providing positive feedback, and asking follow-up questions.

Avoid Engaging in/or Responding to Negative Posts

Instead report them and let your instructor address the issue.

Respect Others Opinions and Perspectives

Show a little respect and understanding when online. Even if you strongly disagree with an individual’s thoughts and opinions. Phrase comments in a respectful and polite manner.