Kategóriák: Minden - education - farming - subsidies - assistance

a John Murray 3 éve


Food Justice

The focus is on creating a sustainable and equitable food system that addresses environmental, social, and economic challenges. To achieve this, there is an emphasis on environmentally efficient farming methods that can feed millions while reducing pollution and reliance on imported foods.

Food Justice

Food Justice


Education about how to eat right to ensure that people are receiving all necessary nutrients
Governmental assistance programs that help people pay for food
Lowering costs of foods that are commonly expensive to provide choices for low income individuals and families
Healthy Foods
Increasing the appeal and availability of healthy foods at lower costs (Khoury, 2020)
Programs like the one the Black Panthers started that feed low income children. (Patel, 2012)


Giving subsidies to food producers to innovate towards new environmentally friendly farming techniques
"It provides significant amounts of calcium, iron, fiber, essential fatty acids, and vitamin E, and is (unlike any other plant food in the world) a complete protein" (Hamilton, 2013)
Reduced Refinement
Many foods currently need processing and refinement that further contributes to pollution
Climate Friendly
Growing climate friendly foods that do not need to be inported
Efficient Farming
Environmentally efficient farming that provides food to millions around the country


Creating financial resilience for consumers as well as food producers to get through times of recession
Subsidies for farmers to keep producing food, but do so in a sustainable way
Incentives for farmers to produce foods that provide nutrients that are higher than other foods
Children Programs
Programs that feed children are also economically beneficial by ensuring the health and education of the future workers in the country.
Increased assistance programs that are well regulated, but also provide food to those in need