Kategóriák: Minden - listening - adventure - comparison - beauty

a sarapheena Presson 5 éve


assessment speech

Embracing natural beauty and rejecting societal pressures, the speaker reflects on personal growth through listening and self-awareness. They recognize that constant comparisons with others can lead to negative self-perceptions but find solace in the affirmations from their partner.

assessment speech

Self Assessment speech


Listening and how that has helped you develop yourself and your perception of yourself
When it comes to the hippie culture, I listen to what the world puts out. Not just mother nature but our society. I've discovered that I do not agree with the standard life that our society imposes on us. I live in a van because I can and because why not? I listen to how older people wish they could have "gone here" or "done this and that", and it makes me wonder why would I ever want to look back in my life and think like that. I listen to the weather and see the sights a specific place has to offer and that's how we pick our weekend get away or our new adventure. Most of all I listen to how relaxed and enjoyable a place is because I take the time to be in the moment without rushing or thinking about the next move.
Social Comparisons: When I start to compare myself to other women that take a lot of their time to put on make-up, do their hair, and dress up- I tend to feel ugly but then I listen to the compliments my husband gives me when I don't wear make-up or look like a hot mess. I also remind myself that I choose not to give into an industry that makes a point to make women feel bad about themselves. The make-up industry makes millions from women and now some men. I choose natural beauty over a false perception of myself. I'm also not judging the women that do put on make-up it's their choice and their life.

Culture: Hippie

Self Concept: From my travels I've realized that life is too short to worry about the things that society tells us to worry about. I was never particularly pumped up to go straight to college straight out of high school to later obtain a career-to only work from 9-5 till the age of 65. I believe the purpose in life is to fulfill life with good friends, kindness, and traveling (building a strong sense of respect for others while doing so). Much like hippies, I don't see much of a value in things that will either consume most of our lives or make us miserable, but are only doing it because that is what is expected. People can live their lives how they want but I believe there is more to it.
Describe: the main objective for the hippies was to fix the things that were broken. The Tikkun Olam, originally translates to " to make straight" has many translations today. However, is translation holds the same meaning- to repair our world. The hippie culture attempts to repair our earth with love and kindness. To put good vibes in our relationships and environments, not to create a negative outlook in life or to focus on the things that do not matter the most.
Meyer, Stan. “Tikkun Olam: Repairing the World.” Jews for Jesus, jewsforjesus.org/publications/issues/issues-v20-n03/tikkun-olam-repairing-the-world/.
Define: Some of the fundamentals in the hippie sub-culture, are found in the deep history that originally began the culture, "The Hasidic messianic vision stated that universal peace and justice would be achieved at the same time that the nation of Israel would be redeemed and return to its land. While there was a difference between the two messianic visions, one fully universalist and one incorporating national elements, there were also strong similarities. Both groups promoted the love of human beings for each other as an important value and often placed it before other objectives in life, such as building careers or financial gains" (Yaakov, A.).
Ariel, Yaakov. "Hasidism in the Age of Aquarius: The House of Love and Prayer in San Francisco, 1967-1977." Religion and American Culture : R & AC, vol. 13, no. 2, 2003, pp. 139-165. ProQuest, http://libraryaccess.sdmiramar.edu:8080/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.libraryaccess.sdmiramar.edu/docview/205888151?accountid=38871, doi:http://dx.doi.org.libraryaccess.sdmiramar.edu:8080/10.1525/rac.2003.13.2.139.

Social Comparisons: Other women

Self Concept: I have my days were I wish I took the time to put on make up or think about my outfit. I catch myself comparing myself to other women, especially the ones that are well put together (on the outside). It also doesn't help that when I am on instagram and I see all these models, it makes me feel like a potato.
Describe: As we grow up we tend to compare ourselves to others. We judge one another on what we do or don't have. What we have done or not done and how we are a person vs the other person. It's a lot harsher between women. Instead of trying to lift one another up we tear each other down because in the end we all want to be the best.
Define: 50 years of research has supported the ideas that (a) people frequently compare to others on dimensions including physical attractiveness (Wheeler & Miyake, 1992), (b) people compare to others of higher standing (upward comparison) as well as those of lower standing (downward comparison), and (c) social comparisons shape self-evaluations and mood (Wood, 1989). In addition to comparing with peers, people are exposed to many sources of social comparison through mass media such as images in magazines and on television.
Jones, April M., and Justin T. Buckingham. "SELF-ESTEEM AS A MODERATOR OF THE EFFECT OF SOCIAL COMPARISON ON WOMEN'S BODY IMAGE." Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, vol. 24, no. 8, 2005, pp. 1164-1187. ProQuest, http://libraryaccess.sdmiramar.edu:8080/login?url=https://search.proquest.com/docview/224844661?accountid=38871
According to the documentary, Missrepresentation, Jean Kilbourne, a filmmaker and Author, addresses how much the media has an impact on women, "Girls are being encouraged to achieve that ideal at younger and younger ages all the time. They end up measuring themselves against an impossible standard" (9:56- 10:03).