welcome to chemistry - Mind Map

welcome to chemistry

Lab equipments- are used to help us to perform the experiment and to do them in the correct way so that there isn't too much or less of something that would result in consequenses.

Erlenmeyer flask- is used to measure, mix, and hold liquids in the lab.

Erlenmeyer flask

Evaporating dish- used to evaporate a liquid so that we can get the solid back.

Evaporating dish

Watch glass- is used to evaporate liquids, hold substances for heating/ weighing, cover for beaker

Watch glass


Wire mesh with ceramic center- flame shield, hold beakers over a flame

Wire mesh with ceramic center

Forceps- move, grasp, hold, items that shouldn't be touched and is also used in dissection


Ring clamp- hold glassware over a flame

Ring clamp

Apron- to protect clothing


crucible- used for heating/ holding chemicals that are very hot


Bunsen burner- used for heating, sterillization and combustion and is also an alternative to hot plate

Bunsen burner

Ruler- measuring length for quantitive observation


Beaker tongs- lifting/ carrying/ heating beakers

Beaker tongs

mortar and pestle- crush substances into a fine paste/ powder

Mortar and pestle

Graduated cylinder- used to measure volume exactly, (ex. 78ml)

Graduated cylinder

Test tubes- heat small amount of liquids or solids

Test tubes

Beaker- holding/ mixing liquids, not exact amounts


Ring stand- to hold the ring clamp

Ring stand

scoopula- used for transferring small amount of granulated chemicals from jars to beakers


Test tube holder- lifting/ carrying hot test tubes

Test tube holder

Test tube rack- holds many test tubes at once, drying rack

Test tube rack

Pipette- transports really small amount of liquids (drops)


Thermometer- measure temperature/ changes with a high degree of precision


Funnel- pour liquids into a small opening filtering


Glass stirring rod- to mix chemicals

Glass strirring rod

Clay triangle- used for heating a crucible evenly over a bunsen burner

Clay triangle

Main topic

steps of the scientific method

1. purpose- the question that we are asking or the reason for the experiment.

2. Hypothesis- an educated guess of what we think might happen.

3. Materials- the equipments that we need to do the experiment

4. procedure- carry out the experiment

5. Result- analyze the observations

6. Conclusion- make a conclusion of what the experiment is about.

we use the scientific method to help us to understand how to do a science experiment.

Naming compounds

compounds with metals

LiCL- Lithium chloride

first element keeps its name, second element ends in ''ide''

compounds without metals

SO2 sulfure dioxide

use a prefix to figure out how many atoms there are

periodic table

the periodic table has 118 elements, which has metals, non- metals, and metalloids. and is organized in groups 1-18.

properties of matter


A property that can be observed only during a chemical change.

reaction with air, flamability.

reaction with acid, reaction with base, reaction with water,


A property that can be observed without changing the identity of the substance.

Ex. odor, density, structure, hardness, solubility

changes of matter


Disappearing puddle, Dry ice, sawing wood

A physical changes is when somethng changes the form of a substance, but it does not change into another substance. like for example, making orange juice, the state of the juice is changed, but not the properties of it.


A chemical change is when a substance undergoes a chemical change, and it is change into a different substance with different properties.

colour change, gas production, temperature change.

Protons, Nuetrons, electrons

the protons, nuetrons, and the electrons are in the nuecleus.

Bohr diagram

protons are positively charge, electrons are negatively charge and nuetrons are nuetral

protons and nuetrons are found in the nuecleus and electrons are found ouside of the nuecleus


there are 10 WHIMIS safety symbols

Pure substances vs. mixtures

Pure substances - made up of only one type of particle

Elements - made up of only one type of atom Ex. Hydrogen

Compounds- made up of two or more different atoms bonded together Ex. Salt

Mixtures- made up of two or more different types of particles

Heterogeneous mixtures- more than one part of the mixture is visible Ex. Pizza

Homogeneous mixtures- only one part of the mixture is visible Ex. Millk

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