Thought Process through solving Trig Ident...- Mind Map

Thought Process through solving Trig Identities.

When first processing identities, I first
find out which side is more complicated.
This is because I do not want to make
the easier side more complicated.

I then find out which identity to start with.

With the identity, I would do normal equation and function formulas. I would start using identities, finding the common denominator when needed, multiplying, adding, and subtracting fractions, and getting a final answer in the end.

The four identities are Quotient, Reciprocal, Even-Odd, and Pythagorean Identity.

If they are not there , I look for
the next easiest identity to notice.
This is the Reciprocal identity

I first look to see if the identity is a
Even-Odd or Pythagorean identity.
This is because they are the easiest identities to notice in an equation/function.

I would lastly start with the quotient identity if the other three didn't work. With this. I would start doing the identity to determine that it is true.

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