Student Workers: undergraduate, postgraduate

Specialist projects: may require specific criteria of the student workers (eg for mature students, LAC, Black British students, writing and social media skills etc)

Shadowing scheme

Bloggers, social media helpers



General pool for one-off / single events work: recruit small top up pool once a year, they sign up as and when, non specialist but we want WP background students where possible

In visits

Out visits

HE fairs, careers fairs

Teacher CPD events

One day events eg Choices, Bring Your family day

Random admin

Postgraduate taster presenters

Sustained engagement programmes: you need a specific set of skills for long term engagement, need commitment, need to recruit a team in advance (not one-offs)

Summer Schools: our biggest recruitment point, a high volume exercise

Non residentials

Residentials. Working hours; safeguarding needs to be excellent

Deaf SS and other specialist?

Pre 16

Summer Challenge

Sutton Trust

UG Transition Mentors

NB: these are our existing projects - they could change considerably with reorganisation