Rapid spread of Covid-19 pandemic - Mind Map

Rapid spread of Covid-19 pandemic

Reasons for rapid spread

It oftenly happens in the family circle

The family circle

Easily spreads by airborne droplets

∼86% of cases were undocumented before travel restrictions were put in place

No restrictions before COVID



High unemployment rate


Rise of bankruptcies

Recession in the global economy

Closing borders

Closed borders

Cancellation of events

Eurovision song contest 2020


Purification of the environment

Clear water in the canals of Venice

Helsinki can be seen from Tallinn

Raising the level of medicine

More people started working from home

Work at home

Ways to stop the pandemic

Follow the recommendations of doctors

Doctors don't lie to you

Wash your hands and disinfect them

Wash your hands


Keep your distance from people

Distance will safe you

Wear facemask

Mask will protect you

Sneeze and cough by covering your mouth with hand

Never forget to cover mouth


Coronavirus Cases




Distribution of COVID-19 cases

Distribution of COVID-19 cases worldwide, as of 7 November 2020

Geographic distribution of COVID-19

Geographic distribution of 14-day cumulative number of reported COVID-19 cases per 100 000 population, worldwide, as of 7 November 2020

2 India
3 Brazil
4 Russia
5 France
6 Spain
7 Argentina
8 UK
9 Colombia
10 Mexico

Possible change in the situation

Good end

Vaccine will be created fast and it would be safe for vaccinating people

We all want good endings

Neutral option

COVID-19 will last for about 1-2 years and there won't be so much victims

Not bad, not good

Bad end

Many people will suffer from it and there will be more and more victims, who died

Nobody wants this end

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