Example: You like coffee.


She likes coffee.


3rd person singular.

Subject+does not/doesn't+verb+object.

She doesn't like coffee.

Subject+do not/don't+verb+object.

You don't like coffee.



Do you like coffee?

3rd person singular.


Does she like coffee?


Rule 1:

In the affirmative of the present simple to all the verbs an -s is added at the end. Do not forget that, when being in negative and interrogative sentences, the -s should not be put.

When verbs end in -o, -sh, -ch, -ss, -x and -z you must add -es to the end.

For verbs ending in -y, you must replace -y with i and the add -es.

There is another exception for verbs ending in -y. When there is a vowel before the -y, you must keep it and add the -s.

Rule 2:

In the third person, does is the auxiliary you should use; however, do is used for the first and second person singular and plural.

Rule 3:

To be is the most used irregular verb in English, so we recommend that you study and learn all its forms of conjugation.

Rule 4:

To use the present simple with the moral verbs (can, must, may), you must be ar in mind that there are two exceptions. You should never add -s or -es to them. When using the present simple in negation and question sentences, modal verbs must never have the do/does auxiliary.


To express habits, general truths, repeated actions or unchanging situations, emotions and wishes:

I smoke (habit); I work in Guayaquil (unchanging situation); Guayaquil is a large city (general truth)

To give instructions or directions:

You walk for five hundred meters, then you turn left.

To express fixed arrangements, present or future:

Your exam starts at 07.00

To express future time, after some conjunctions: after, when, before, as soon as, until:

He'll give it to you when you come next Monday.

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