New Findings Underscore an Earth-Venus Kinship


venus has a turbulent atmosphere

role of heat trapping gases like carbon dioxide shapes climate of planets

surface temperature on venus exceeds 800 degrees fahrenheit

this high temperature result from heat trapping effects of almost pure carbon dioxide

In Venus is as 100 times dense as Earth.


scientists believe that Venus is formed of liquid just like Earth

due to high sun light intensity,water began to evaporate

water vapour is one of the green house gases which trap in heat.

Due to acceleration in evaporation,all liquid water turned to thich atmosphere of water vapour

U.V rays splited floating water molecules to oxygen and hydrogen

chemical reaction with minerals in rocks transferred oxygen to carbon dioxide

Hydrogen escaped to space owing to its lightness

Size and Mass

Venus and earth have the same size and mass.


Venus and Earth have roughly the same composition

sun light

Venus is closer to sub than earth,,though,clouds reflect a large portion of sun light

Venus's enviroment

before space age,planetary scientists thought that venus and Earth have the same enviroment

They even assumed thatthere could be tropical jungles couvered by the non-ending cloud in Venus


it is a heavier version of Hydrogen

so it would escape more slowly to space

Venus express found that ratio of deturium to hydrogen is is 150 times high as on earth.

In venus,deuterium concentration turned out to be 2.5 times as high in the upper atmosphere than to the near ground

when they explore this they will be able to know the history of water


On Earth radio waves are generated by lightening

Venus Express detected the bursts of radio waves known as “whistlers’’

In venus,clouds are different than that which produce thunderstorms in Earth.

clouds in Venus are like just a haze of sulphuric acid,On earth this kind of clouds dont produce electric charge that's why it's puzzling to have lightening.

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