Mind Map Lifestyles

avoid soda
Definition: It is to avoid consuming drinks that harm our health.
Sentence: I avoid taking sodas because it is bad for my health.

change your lifestyle
Definition: Do an analysis of how you are living, if it is necessary to make lifestyle changes or not.
Sentence: You will change your lifestyle.
drink soda
Definition: it is that carbonated drink that they sell in stores or streets and that it is not healthy to drink it.
Sentence: My friends drink sodas

eat healthy food
Definition: is the type of food that allows the body to function optimally, rich in vitamins.
Sentence: In my family we eat healthy food

eat unhealthy food
Definition: are products that are highly processed and contain refined sugars, you are depriving your body of the healthy nutrients it needs to function properly.
Sentence: They eat unhealthy foods
get fresh air
Definition: take a few minutes to relax, breathe deeply and forget what stresses you, visit places where there are many trees. meditation.
Sentence: We went to get fresh air

go on a diet
Definition: is when a person performs exercise and can lose body fat and lose weight.
Sentence: They go on a diet this month.

Definition: a physical and mental state of relaxation
Sentence: You relax on Saturdays.
sleep in
Rest, with closed eyes, in an unconscious state in which the suspension of sensory functions and voluntary movements occurs.
Sentence They have to sleep one hour a day.

stay in shape
Definition: when it is possible to verify the good functioning of all the apparatuses and systems of your organism, as much in the physical aspect as psychic.
Sentence: He stays in shape because he does a lot of exercise.

take a nap
Definition: it is a custom consisting of resting a few minutes after having lunch, making a short dream with the purpose of gathering energy for the rest of the day.
Sentence: He takes a nap after lunch.

warm up
Definition: Heating is the action of heating. refers to communicating heat to a body to raise its temperature; to exalt or enrage the spirits; or to loosen up the muscles before practicing a sport
Sentence: They warm up before the game starts.

tai chi
Definition: it is Chinese gymnastics of very slow and precise coordinated movements
Sentence: They practice tai chi on wednesday.

Definition: Opinion or opinion that someone gives or receives about their future conduct.
Sentence: He advises his son not to play pranks anymore.
Definition: object of very resistant material and generally hemispherical shape that adjusts to the head to protect it from possible injuries.
Sentence: They use their helmets to protect themselves from any accident.

Definition: is the set of attitudes and behaviors that people adopt and develop individually or collectively to meet their needs as human beings and achieve their personal development.
Sentence: They have a good lifestyle, because their potatoes are hard workers.

be inactive
Definition: when you no longer belong to a group, association, for not canceling your quota on time, or that you already fulfilled your time.
Sentence: He is inactive, because he has already fulfilled his time

cook fresh food
Definition: is one in which the best raw materials found in the market are used every day.
Sentence: My mom cooks fresh food.

eat fast food
Definition: is that food that is bought on the street and that is not very healthy.
Sentence: They eat fast food
eat junk food
Definition: It is that food that usually contains high levels of fats, salt, condiments or sugars.
Sentence: My friends like to eat junk food.

Definition: is any physical activity that improves and maintains the physical fitness, health and well-being of the person.
Sentence: My friends do exercises every day.

get stressed
Definition: Stress is a physiological reaction of the organism in which different defense mechanisms come into play to face a situation that is perceived as threatening or of increased demand.
Sentence: They get stressed by the exams.
go to the gym
Definition: place used to perform certain exercises and get fit.
Sentence: they go to the gym every day

skip breakfast
Definition: when you do not eat at home and no longer breakfast, return to take lunch.
Sentence: We do not skip breakfast on Sunday
stay indoors all day
Definition: Shelter is a basic human need. But staying indoors all day may fuel anxiety, insomnia and that too-familiar sense that humans just aren't meant to spend the whole day inside.
Sentence: She stays indoors all day, from her house
take a break
Definition: is when you feel cooler and full of energy when you sit down again. Your body receives the proper movement and blood flow necessary to keep you healthy.
Sentence: She takes a break, so she can be with more energy
Definition: walk from one place to another, especially if a defined route is followed.
Sentence: She goes out to walk every day in the morning...
Definition: Thought or consideration of something carefully and carefully to study or understand it well.
Sentence: They perform a meditation before making a decision ..
table tennis
Definition: Table tennis is an adaptation of the sport known as tennis. This variant of tennis was born in the last decades of the nineteenth century in Britain and then spread throughout the world.
Sentence: They play table tennis on weekends.ema

Definition: Hindu philosophical doctrine of the followers of Brahmanism that is based on ascetic practices, ecstasy, contemplation and absolute immobility, to reach the state of spiritual perfection and the beatific state.
Sentence: They like to practice yoga, since it's good to relax.

Definition: Place where people go to do various exercise routines, through different devices, is essential to have good health.
Sentence: He likes to go to the gym to stay in shape.

Definition: is a mechanical piece in the shape of a disc that rotates around an axis.
Sentence: You are using a treadmill to get to your house.