introduction to fuzzy set - Mind Map

introduction to fuzzy set

what is fuzzy Set

The adjective fuzzy is used to describe an entity that has no sharply demarcated boundary. What we understand through natural languages is usually fuzzy.
fast car, hot water, cold weather, tall man, effective medicine.

Crisp Set

concept of (the Crisp) set is fundamental in mathematics. the crisp set is a classical ordinary set.
It is denoted
by A = { x∈ X |P(x) } For example, the set of points on a unit circle is written as

A = { (x, y) ∈ R *R]X+Y=1}

Here, the universal set is R x R, the set of ordered pairs of real numbers (x, y), the property P(x y) must satisfy is x + y= 1.

membership grade of Fuzzy set

Let X be a universal set and [0, 1] be the closed unit interval of real numbers between 0 and 1 including 0 and 1. Then a fuzzy set A on X is a function:
X∈ [0, 1] If X, then A (x) is called the grade of membership of x in A.


α-cut or a-level cut or level cut is one of the most basic concepts in the fuzzy set theory. It connects fuzzy set theory with crisp sets.

Let a e [0, 1]: the crisp set { x ∈ X| A(x) >=α} is called -cut or a-level cut of A and is denotcd by .
α AThus,
strong α- cut: The crisp sct {x∈X| A(x) > α} is called a strict α-cut or strict α-level cut of A and is denoted by α+A. Thus

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