developed vs. developing


Poor infrastructure

There are no staple roads or bridges.

High population

These countries have many women getting pregnant because there is no birth control.

Lack of education

Don't have a good economy, so there is not enough money to support education.

Poor health

There are many deceasing going around and there is not enough medical supplies to go around.

Low income

Workers don't make a lot of money so economy can't rise.

To improve the infrastructure of countries; facilities, factories, and distribution routes can be made to make countries resources more accessible. And get foreign investments to invest in workers to grow the economy.



They have a steady and working currency system.

Law inforcement

Police officers carry out Law and Order to keep people safe.


Government collect money from citizens to provide public goods and services.


Have money and supplies to create advanced machine/system


There is public/private transportation for people to go wherever they need or want.