Combining Investment Terms

Lower Manhattan is home to the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), on Wall Street, and the NASDAQ, at 165 Broadway, representing the world's largest and second largest stock exchanges

A mutual fund is a portfolio of stocks or bonds that is jointly owned by a large number of investors.

The Market Capitalization of a blue chip company is usually in the billion dollars. Typically, a blue chip stock is a component of a major stock averages and indexes, such as the S&P500 index in the United States.

The P/E ratio helps investors determine the market value of a stock as compared to the company's earnings. The investor's also anticipate the earnings growth in the future.

The dividend yield or dividend-price ratio of a share is the dividend per share, divided by the price per share. It is also a company's total annual dividend payments divided by its market capitalization, assuming the number of shares is constant.

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are funds that track indexes like the NASDAQ-100 Index, S&P 500, Dow Jones, etc. When you buy shares of an ETF, you are buying shares of a portfolio that tracks the yield and return of its native index.