Climate Change
Clean Energy sources
Wind power produced by windmills in
farms is a great way to effectively
generate power anywhere on the planet.
Geothermal power uses the heat radiated from
earths crust to generate energy.
Solar panels can be used by anyone to
produce green energy, This is one on their
biggest benefits.
Hydroelectricity via dams placed on flowing rivers.
Greenhouse Gases
Ozone; acts as a shield in the atmosphere, but
smog on ground level.
Nitrous oxide; 300 times more powerful
than Co2, produced by soil and water
Carbon dioxide; the majority of emissions
produced by living things and stored in carbon sinks.
Methane; 23 times more powerful than Co2, produced
naturally by animals and decomposing materials.
Water vapour; water heated in an positive feedback loop that
heats the atmosphere indefinitely like a sauna.
Sea levels are rising due to higher
temperatures, causing glaciers to
Seasons are changing, affecting
farming seasons and food production
Weather patterns are becoming
more erratic, and natural disasters
are becoming more powerful and frequent.
Earths Climate
Atmosphere: the atmosphere
is everything related to the air.
Hydrosphere: the hydrosphere is
anything related to water.
Lithosphere: the lithosphere is
everything related to the earth
itself and its crust.
Biosphere: The biosphere relates to
anything living on planet earth.
Human causes
Emissions of greenhouse gases
warm the planets atmosphere,
and then its temperature, resulting
in dire consequences.
Deforestation destroys trees,
which releases the carbon stored
in them (carbon sinks), adding to the gas
already in the atmosphere.
Natural causes
Long term
Forest fires
Continental drift
Earths distance from the sun
Short term
Volcanic eruptions
Air and ocean currents (Thermohaline circulation)
The Albedo effect
El nino
Water vapour feedback loops