Lenth Area & Volume
Unit ideas for teachers


The topic that I chose to do my mindmap on was the measurement unit. I had a lot of fun finding different ideas in order for the students to relate to the different sub topics of this unit. I found some fun videos and different songs to help the students to remember the different formulas or definitions of different things in the measurement unit. In addition to the songs and videos I also found some fun interactive lesson plans to incorporate into the unit. This mindmap is geared toward teachers as a resource to use when teaching the unit of measurement to their students.

The Basics of Measurement

This activity is a great activity to introduce
measurement to the students. Measurement
is not only about measuring something and
being accurate, it is also about comparing
things to one another. This activity measures
the students' with yarn and has the students
compare their height to the other student's
heights in the classroom.


This is a great video to show to student's in order
to show them how important measurement is. This
video will also open student's eyes to the wide variety
and ways to measure something. The student's have
most likely already have measured something and used
this skill, but just didn't realize it!

Surface Area

This is a great blog not just for surface
area, but for all topics covered on this map.
this activity involved building shapes out of
mini marshmallows and the student's having
to figure out different measurements from the
different objects that they make with their mini
marshmallows. This is a great hands on activity!

This is a great visual for the student's to look at
to remember what the sufrace area is of an object
as well as how to find the surface area of an object.


This is a great video with a catchy
tune for student's to listen to and learn
how to find the volume of an object. This
video talks about length x width x height.
This serves as a great visual for student's.

This blog has a great idea for an activity for
the student's to do to practice finding the volume
of an object. This activity has to do with the student's
finding the volume of a candy bar that the teacher
will hand out. This would be a great hands on activity
for the student's to do to practice finding the volume.


Area and Perimeter

Perimeter and Area Song
This song is great for students to get involved with.
This song helps connect perimeter and area musically
to help the students to remember the definitions. To
go further, a teacher could make up a dance to get the
students moving.

I found a great blog that had
a fun song about finding the
perimeter of an object.
This song is to a tune that
most student's most likely
already know.

Perimeter Song
"The Farmer and the Dell"

Perimeter is around.
Perimeter is around.
Oh, oh, don't you know,
Perimeter is around.

You add up all the sides.
You add up all the sides.
Oh, oh, don't you know,
you add up add the sides.


This is an example worksheet of what
the area and perimeter are of shapes.
This worksheet gives examples of how
to find the area and perimeter of shapes.

The Pythagorean Theorem

This is a great student friendly video
that will help students understand what
is required in a triangle in order to use
the pythagorean theorem. This would be
a great video to kick off the pythagorean
theorem sub-unit in the length area and
volume unit. Students will get nice visuals
in this video.

This is a great visual to show the student's to help
them remember the different sides of the triangle
when using the pythagorean theorem. The large hippo
will help the students to remember that the hippo was
associated with the hypotenuse.

This blog has a lot of great worksheets on the
pythagorean theorem. This blog could serve as
a great resource for teachers when trying
to find great creative worksheets to get the
student's interested in the pythagorean theorem.


1. [Area and Perimeter ]. Retrieved from http://classroomcaboodle.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/area-perimeter-anchor-chart-2.png
2. [Hippo pythagorean Theorem]. Retrieved from https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/49/99/64/4999642ad9cb379d21229e7ea34bbe3c.jpg
3. Retrieved from http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-OSy98iwXyAE/Tatc0gep1NI/AAAAAAAACbA/FAt6czj4gbo/s1600/Screen+shot+2011-04-17+at+3.29.31+PM.png
4. Classroom Magic: Candy Bar Volume. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://classroommagic.blogspot.com/2012/03/candy-bar-volume.html
5. Corkboard Connections: Hands On Geometry - Part II. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://corkboardconnections.blogspot.com/2012/03/hands-on-geometry-part-ii.html?m=1
6. Going Back to Kinder: Quick Post on Measuring. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.goingbacktokinder.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/quick-post-on-measuring.html?utm_content=buffer72b35&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer
7. Measurement | PBS Kids & Ozomatli. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCkv_aoC7M8
8. Perimeter Area Song. (2012, October 27). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jeOb9cEDWA
9. Primary Inspired: Indiana Blogger & Pinspired Plans. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.primaryinspired.net/2013/03/indiana-blogger-pinspired-plans.html
10. Pythagorean Theorem. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhFjfCdG61Y
11. Volume Song Video. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JijhDDJvExo