Catégories : Tous - needs - skills - achievement - strengths

par Meredith Stokes Il y a 5 années


Student Profile

Gregory Jackson is a 13-year-old student in the 8th grade at A.B. Schoolson Public School. His educational profile draws from a variety of sources, including consultations with parents, former teachers, and current option teachers, as well as an OSR review conducted in September 2019.

Student Profile

Student Profile "Gregory Jackson"

Assessment and Instruction

Available Supports: -Special Education Resource Teacher -In School Team -Board ASD Team -Transition Team (Elementary to High School)
Considerations for Assessments: -Provide a quiet space for assessment tasks -Provide learning goals and success criteria -Allow breaks -Chunk taks -Extra time to complete tasks
Considerations for Instruction: -Provide a quiet space to complete assignments -Chunk information and tasks -Provide directives to being writing tasks (i.e. prompt if needed) -Provide access to computer for written tasks

Strengths and Areas of Need

Other: Safety Plan updated- -If an issue at recess arises, "G" may go into the office health room as a place to calm down and make a plan to handle the situation in a positive way if needed.
Learning Style/Needs/Interests/ Social/Emotional Strengths and Needs Learning Style: -Prefers lecture style lessons and working independently or with a preferred peer group -Enjoys hands on activities when working independently Needs: -Sensitive to repetitive sounds/loud classroom -Encouragement/support to begin un-preferred writing tasks or solve problems (executive functioning) -Self regulation/strategies to cope with frustration -Communication/social skills when frustrated or mad Interests: -Coding -Wii Games -Mathematics -Fantasy Games (world of warcraft, magic cards etc.)
Learning Skills, Work Habits and Achievement Levels: Learning Skills: -Works independently -Collaborates well with familiar peers or on preferred tasks -Is responsible in classroom routines and is helpful to others -Requires suggestions/support for self regulation -Organizational strategies require implementation and maintenance/check ins -Requires prompting and reminders/support for written tasks or those with choice Achievement Levels: -At or above Grade level in Math, Science, History/Geography, Health, Oral Communication and Reading (literacy) -Below Grade level/struggles in certain Writing tasks (literacy), Physical Education, Dance and Drama

Sources of Information

Sources of Information Include: -OSR Review September 2019 -Consultation with parents September 2019 -Consultation with previous teachers and SERT September 2019 -Consultation with current option teachers

Basic Student Information

Name: Gregory Jackson Age: 13 Grade: 8 School: A.B. Schoolson Public School