Catégories : Tous - memory - civilization - comics - connection

par Jacob Kufske Il y a 6 années


Station Eleven Mind Map

The narrative revolves around themes of legacy and the pursuit of meaning within the realm of arts and civilization. Clark, a character deeply introspective about his life, realizes he has been moving through the motions without true joy or inspiration for years.

Station Eleven Mind Map

Legacy: Immortality of Arts

Station Eleven Comic

"“You don’t have to understand it,” she said. “It’s mine.” (78)

The comic gives Miranda purpose, meaning and a reason to keep going and helps her "repent nothing"(80) and to move forward in her life from her worst moments.

"He doesn’t understand the difference between serious graphic novels and Saturday-morning cartoons with wide-eyed tweetybirds and floppy-limbed cats" (78)

She gets defensive and insults Pablo for not knowing the difference proving she is passionate bout this and cares a lot about it.

Miranda has a passion for this comic book and keeps writing it no matter what.

"Kirsten’s taken care of the comics as best she can but they’re dog-eared now, worn soft at the edges" (42)
Acts a way for Miranda to be herself. Helps Miranda share her ideas and also leaves a big impact on people and leaves them with lines that they remember and live by.
"I stood over my damaged home and tried to forget the sweetness of life on earth"(105)
For Kirsten the comics act as an escape for her from her reality and takes her mind of "Survival"
The Comics relate all the characters in the book to each other as most of them have seen or read the comic and some of the characters even make reference to it
Characters connected through the comics


Prophet a.k.a Tyler (Arthur's Son)


Miranda (Duh!)

Connects people

"“I’d thought I was the only one, he said." (220)
“He gave me the comics I showed you!” (40)
"“People want what was best about the world,”(38)
Connects us through time
Everyone can relate to arts and they all know Shakespeare and can relate and discuss it as the all connecting topic

Dear V

Victoria betrays Arthur by releasing his private letters in a book without asking or even telling him first.
Arthur forgets that there is even a person on the other end of the letters and just writes to comfort himself
Arthur uses Dear, V as a way to comfort himself and almost to get everything off his chest.
"“I think it’s inappropriate that the book exists"(321)


Doesn't want the fame he has recieved but he can't "complain about a job like [his]".(170)
Dies doing what he loves and doing art
Wants to live through his art and make a legacy from his art.

Museum of Civilization

" Clark realized, moving half-asleep through the motions of his life for a while now, years; not specifically unhappy, but when had he last found real joy in his work? When was the last time he’d been truly moved by anything? When had he last felt awe or inspiration?
Gives Clark meaning


"“you might’ve been in the tabloid pictures. Isn’t this one of your actor’s wives?” “Is it?” She took the magazine from him" (174)

very passionate about her past and finding out who she was before everything happened

She collects as much as she can about Arthur to attempt to remember and cherish her past

She collected fragments, stored in a zip-lock bag in her backpack. A picture of Arthur alone on a beach, looking pensive and out of shape. A picture of him with his first wife, Miranda, and then later with his second wife, Elizabeth, a malnourished-looking blonde who didn’t smile for cameras. Then with their son,who was about the same age as Kirsten, and later still with a third wife who looked very similar to the second one. (40)

News Paper

": Yes, yes, of course, but some of our readers might not know you, or the Symphony. I’ve been giving copies of the paper to traders, asking them to distribute it along their routes. You’ve been acting since you were very young, isn’t that right?" (100)
Diallo is "[Creating] an oral history"(108).
Newspaper is used as a way to re-write history almost and also a way to start history "over" so people in the future will know what happened and have a record of it
History is important as we attempt to study it so we don't repeat it. To make sure people are aware of things and the consequences of them.
Newspaper is the public opinion. Lets people have their own voice and share their opinions with more.

Travelling Symphony

"THE TRAVELING SYMPHONY lettered in white on both sides, but the lead caravan carries an additional line of text: Because survival is insufficient.
Driven by the passion of art and changing and inspiring people through music and acting
Use art as an escape to forget about reality for a while


Shakespeare reminds the people that it is possible to survive the hardships of the Georgian flu as he survived the plague and with no electricity. Gives them hope knowing that they can survive but that they can leave a legacy to last till the next "plague" as well.
"audiences seemed to prefer Shakespeare to their other theatrical offerings" (38) Shakespeare is widely adored and loved by the people after the collapse