Catégories : Tous - density - formula - pressure - units

par Luis Daniel Flores Hernández Il y a 1 année



Density is a fundamental property of matter, representing mass per unit volume and is measured in different systems such as cgs and the International system. It is a scalar quantity, meaning it has no direction, and remains relatively constant in liquids and solids due to their incompressibility.



Properties of liquids

Understanding the behavior of liquids in common situations
At first glance, it seems that the volume in container A would exert a greater pressure on the bottom than, for example, container C. If this were true, such pressure would force the liquid to rise higher in container C. When the containers are filled with a liquid, the levels are shown to be equal. For example, the area of the liquid at the bottom container C; therefore, the liquid will exert a greater force on the bottom of container A than in C. But the greatest force is applied over a large area so that the pressure is the same in both vessels.

This principle is known as the principle of communicating vessels.

Archimedes Principle

E=pgV The latter equation represents the force exerted by the fluid upward on the cylinder, Wich is called thrust force (E)
If we write the equation as follows: E=pVg we observe that the product (pV) represents the mass of the fluid (m), and the mass multiplied by (g) is the weight of the fluid. Principle can be stated as follows: A submerged body receives a thrust force equal to the weight of the fluid that displaces the body.
Fluids exert pressure against their own particles and against the walls containing them. If a solid body is submerged in fluid, it will receive the fluid pressure.

Presure and fluids

To formulate the relatonship of the dependence of pressure on the depth of liquids.
Solids have a resistance to penetrating or cutting forces, and besides resist stress and compression. Fluids do not resist tensile stress or cutting, but they can with stand compression forces when located within a closed space. fluids exert forces on the surfaces with which they are in contact. These forces can be calculated if we know the value of the pressure exerted by the fluid and the area of the given surface. That pressure is defined as force per unit area.
To determine what factors affect the pressure inside a fluid.

We must analyze the pressure that it exerts on a surface depending on the weight of the same column of fluid.


Measuring scales
cgs system p(=)g/cm3
International system p(=)kg/m3
We can define density as a property of all materials in which the mass of substance is related to the volume it occupies.
P=m/v In this formula, p represents density, m the mass of the ubstance and v its volume.
Represent it with the Greek letter rho (p)
Density is a scalar magnitude, that is, it lacks directional properties. The variation of density in liquids and solids is very small for large ranges of pressure and temperature , because these materials are practically incompressible and their is not greatly affected by them. Density can be considered a constant.

States of matter

Another state of aggregation is plasma

Plasma: is a gas whose atoms are ionized, wich means thet some or all of its atoms that have lost electrons, becoming conductors of electricity, unlike gases, which are not conductors.

Depending on the energy possessed by the moecules or atoms that constitute a substance, matter can be found in different states of aggregation.
Gases: are made up of molecules that interact very weakly with each other because the forces of attraction between them are very small. It is said the gases have not definid shape. Gases can be compressed because the space between their molecules is large.
Liquids: in this state molecules can slide over each other taking the form of their container but maintaining a specific volume. Their molecules do not hod fixed positions with respect to each other. They cannot be compressed, that is, their degree of compressibility i very low.
Solids: have a definite shape and can resist and transmit forces, they can sustain these actions because it is not easy to displace an atom without moving many others. The molecules in solids maintain positions defined with respect to each other and their only movement is vibration.

Concept of pressure

A fundamental concept of physics known as pressure. If F is the magnitude of a perpendicular force exerted on a gven area A, the the pressure P is defined as the force applied per unit of area: P=F/A
Pressure units in the international system

Conversion rates between different units of pressure

1 atm= 760 mmHg

1 atm= 1.013x10´5 Pa


is commonly know as Pascal (Pa)

Other commonly used units of pressure are: pounds pers square inch (Ib/in2), or psi, is widely used to measure air pressure in car tires; miimeters of mercury; atmosphere (atm), and bar, generally used to refer to atmospheric pressure.

Pascals Principle

Pascal Principle applies to many devices that are used in daily life and in industry. Was discovered by Blaise Pascal, French mathematician, physicist, and theologian, and proven experimentally.
Analyze the expression of the pressure inside a volume of liquid: P2-P1=pgh In the above formula we can see that the difference between the pressures only depends on the density of the liquid, the acceleration of gravity and height. From the above it follows that: PB-PA=pgh

If for some reason the pressure at A increases by a value P, the pressure at B must be increased by a value equal to P. (PB+P)--(PA+P)=pgh

Atmospheric pressure

When pressure is measured with respect to atmospheric pressure, it is called gauge pressure.
When you want to calculate the pressureat a certain depth within a liquid, considering the atmospheric pressure, it is posible to use teh above expression, replacing the term of the gauge pressure with that of the hydrostaic pressure. Pabs=Patm+pgh
When the total pressure is measured, considering the atmospheric pressure, it is said that the absolute pressure is taken. Pabs=Patm+Pman
Inside the tire there are 25 or 30 psi above the atmospheric pressure Pman=Pabs--Patm
Earth is surrounded by a layer of gas, wich we call the atmosphere. It is actually a mixture of gases but they behaves as one, which we call air. The composition of the atmosphere is 78% nitrogen, 20% oxygen, 1% argon, and the rest is made up of gases such as carbon, neon, helium, water vapor, and so on.
Calculation of atmosphere

Normal atmospheric pressure, at sea level, is equal to 760 milimeters of mercury. equals 1013 mbar, 14.7 psi or 1.013x10´5 Pa.