Catégories : Tous - treatment - barriers - strengths - family

par Megan Himes Il y a 3 années


Sanjin Brugma

The individual in focus has been identified with key issues that encompass both internal and external barriers and strengths. Internally, the person is aware of their cannabis misuse and is reluctant to rely on medication.

Sanjin Brugma

Family Support

Identified Key Issues

Sanjin Brugma

Name the character

Type in the name of the character whose change throughout the story you are going to analyze.

Example: Nick Carraway.

Client Centered

Possible Recourses

Group counselling

Outpatient program

Must Be Made

Social Worker


Mental Health Clinic (Lanark Leeds and Grenville Mental Health and Addictions)

Resources Can Be Utilized
Psychoeducation through one-on-one counselling
NA Anonymous (Recovery Support Group)
Objectives to meet client-centred goals
First line medication. Antipsychotic, risperidone (drug recommended as initial drug due to fewer side effects then other medication options)
Assertive Community Treatment
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Mental Health Treatment
Individual counselling
Social Skills Training
Family intervention
Treatment Plan
Have their family involved
Included goals in treatment plan
Allow client to make their own choices
Made sure to include each aspect of clients life in plan
When developing a treatment plan have client involved
Include their strengths, interest, and talents in their treatment plan


Biopsychosocial +
Treatment plans should address motivation and readiness for change.
Treatment plans should incorporate a strengths-based approach.
Addressing Mental Health
Marijuana Addiction Treatment
Focus on Personal Strengths
Links to Community Treatment
Addressing Substance Use
CBT- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Treatment plans should assess the severity of the substance use disorder as well as any COD in order to place the offender in an appropriate treatment setting.


Sold, distributed or helped to make illegal drugs?
Preparation – willing to make some changes and goals overall
Contemplation with her use of Cannabis
Pre-contemplation when it comes to medication

Had withdrawal problems from alcohol or drugs like shaking hands, throwing up, having trouble sitting still or sleeping, or that you used any alcohol or drugs to stop being sick or avoid withdrawal problems?

Use of alcohol or drugs caused you to give up, reduce or have problems at important activities at work, school, home or social events?

Kept using alcohol or drugs even though it was causing social problems, leading to fights, or getting into trouble with other people

Spent a lot of time either getting alcohol or drugs, using alcohol or drugs, or feeling the effects of alcohol or drugs (high, sick)?

Use alcohol or drugs weekly


Had a hard time listening to instructions at school, work or home?

Had a hard time paying attention at school, work or home?

Lied or conned to get things you wanted or to avoid having to do something?


Feeling very anxious, nervous, tense, fearful, scared, panicked or like something bad was going to happen?

Sleeping, such as bad dreams, sleeping restlessly or falling asleep during the day?

Feeling very trapped, lonely, sad, blue, depressed, or hopeless about the future?

Pre-contemplation with her use of Cannabis

Initial behavior

How does the character act at the beginning of the story? Type in a relevant quote for your statement.

Example: Nick shows his immature side as he leaves to New York in order to avoid 'being rumored into marriage' with his girlfriend.

Client Notes

Set up with psychiatrist for diagnosis of type of schizophrenia or other mental illness’s
Psychoeducation surrounding proper medication
Set up with a Social Worker
Family Therapy
Social Skills training
Support group for cannabis
Work with Sanjin one on one to come up with a treatment plan to be sober from cannabis

Identified Strengths

Willing to go to group
Wanting to go to school – (helping others)
Does not want to rely on medication
Client is self aware of misuse of Cannabis

Identified Barriers

Funds for medication
Transportation needs
Still in pre-contemplation with medication
Continuing misuse of Cannabis