Catégories : Tous - assessment - application - concept - communication

par Justine Deloyer Il y a 4 années


Physics - Energy Transformations

The text outlines a comprehensive approach to assessing students' understanding of energy transformations in physics. It details various assessment methods to gauge what students know and don'

Physics - Energy Transformations

Physics Energy Transformations

Assessment of Learning

Unit Test
Thinking / Inquiry
Knowledge / Understanding
Concept Mapping (energy transformations)

Students pick a few devices and create concept maps for how energy is transformed/ transferred from one form to another and where energy might be "lost" (the energy was not "useful") (ex. flashlight, fan, microwave etc.)

Application Students are assessed on how they used knowledge from their lives to connect what they know about these devices and their energy transformations

Communication Students are assessed on how well they communicated their thoughts and ideas in the concept map. How easy is their concept map to follow?

Knowledge / Understanding Students are assessed on their knowledge of the correct energy transformations

Thinking / Inquiry Students are assessed on how they analyze and think critically about the devices to determine where energy losses might occur

1. Ramp Lab (Potential energy -> Kinetic energy) 2. Spring Lab (Elastic Energy -> Kinetic energy) 3. Wind turbine lab (Kinetic -> electrical)

Assessment for Learning

Teacher observations
Discussions with students

During individual work (ie. when working on concept maps)

During labs and activities

Teacher Feedback

Informal in class feedback

On submitted work

Diagnostic assessment

Diagnostic questions

Concept Mapping

What students don't know or want to know about energy transformations

What students know about how energy is transformed/transferred

Discuss how topics from concept maps could be categorized into K/U, T/I, C and App

Assessment as Learning

Peer assessment
Constructive Feedback
Student Goal Setting
Reflection of Goals
Self Assessment