Catégories : Tous - assessment - behaviorism - pedagogy - curriculum

par Sariah Luna Il y a 5 années


Philosophy of Education

The text discusses various educational philosophies and their implications for classroom practices. It highlights essentialism, which emphasizes developing cultural literacy and training intellect through a strict and disciplined pedagogy.

Philosophy of Education

Philosophy of Education

Red fill = concepts/ideas I do NOT want in my classroom

Yellow fill = concepts/ideas I am unsure about using in classroom

Green Fill = concepts/ideas I will be using in my classroom

Purple Fill = Master Teacher (represents Christ-like attributes)

Blue flag = Doctrine

Yellow Flag = Principle

Tool =

Philosophical Perspective

Philosophy and Education

Teacher student relationship is personal.

Education liberates individual from chaotic world.

Focus on needs of individual (cognitively and affectively)

Language is important

Summerhill 'Academy'

Moral democracy


Teacher is not an authoritarian; more like a cheerleader

Teacher encourages, plans, questions, and offers suggestions

Reality is based on my own experience

Success judged by consequences of actions

Philosophy needed to be applied to solving human problems


Study and faith

How does spiritualaity relate to the rest of the world


Oak Tree Analogy

Very faith based and spiritual

God is a worthy source of knowledge

Learning by study and also by faith

Many private religious schools

Religious and character education

fusion of Greek rationality and Christian Theology


Teaching moral and intellectual values

Class Notes

How do children learn within their first few years of life and try to incorporate that into further learning

We come to world with an empty head/blank slate

Focusing on more than math and science; humanities as well

Applying what they learn

Learn with your senses

Behavioral Objectives

Standards, Achievement

Scientific Method


Knowledge is obtainable through research

I can obtain knowledge through my senses.


Transmitting truths and values

Class comparisons/Qualities of Idealistic Teacher

"Cogito ergo sum"

"I think, therefore, I am"

Role of the Teacher

Teach things that are going to make them think

We hopefully will instill a desire to learn for themselves and to gain wisdom

We are a guide to the students

Study things to make them think

Responsibility to gain a deeper understand of concepts

Learn from the past

Teach them how to learn for themselves

Wisdom and values are gained through personal reflection and growth

Aims to develop the spiritual, emotional, and moral being of students. Help them learn for themselves

desire for deeper understanding

It will be hard, and there will be disappointments, but every person needs to keeping moving forward

Focused on helping the student gaining a deeper insight than he/she already has

Continual progression

Education is always the development within

Focus on the Three "R's"




Education is transformation. Ideas can change lives. The more we know, the better we are.

Values are absolute and eternal

considered oldest philosophy of Western culture; dates back to Greece

4 Branches of Philosophy


Students will think differently and they will come to solutions differently than their peers

Helps students see truth

deductive and intuitive reasoning

Intuitive: taking specific examples and considering the general principles

Deductive: involves examining a general case, deducing a general set of rules or principles

critical investigation and analysis

branch of study that concerns questions about reference, prediction, identity, & truth

Axiology: What is the nature of values?

As a teacher, it determines values/discipline/grading assignments

Aesthetics: nature of beauty; what is it worth?

Ethics: study of what is "good or bad" in human behavior, thoughts and feelings

What does it mean to be good or bad

justified and means

Value and studying the nature of value

Epistemology: What is the nature of knowledge?

As a teacher, determines HOW I teach

the better we understand it, the better we can teach our students

Helps answers children's "why" questions

How we know what we know?

Is there a right answer?

Where do answers come from?

Theory of knowledge

Metaphysics: What is the nature of reality?

As a teacher, determines WHAT I teach.

Determines what's worth teaching and how it will be taught

What's real and not real

Philosophy: love of wisdom
Philosophy compels teachers to lead students in a direction that is meaningful and of most worth
Education calls teachers "to lead from ignorance"
Search for truth
Education is intertwined with a passion to understand


Role of the teacher
Nature of the learner
Educational Groups
Knowledge should be used to act on things
Make our ideas clear
Horace Mann
Common School


Government involvement in education was a repudiation of liberalism and parental rights

Local Control - funding comparison between wealthy neighborhood schools vs poor community schools

Taxes - people don't want to pay for the education

Allows individuals from any background to become what they want to be - American Dream

School was like a factory; placed on an assembly line and just forced through

School can sometimes feel like a job, not an opportunity to learn

Students were educated, then left. There was hardly any application.

Forms civilization
School is essential
"I believe that only through the continual and sympathetic observation of childhood's interests can the adult enter into the child's life and see what it is ready for, and upon what material it could work most readily and fruitfully."
Present education needs to be part of community life

is the form of social life that is nurtured and where those connections are made

Present life as life
Education is a process of living, not a preparation for future living
Advocate for early education
Created the first textbook with pictures
came up with one of the first books for teaching
wanted to reform education to be more advanced

Fixed/Growth Mindset

As an educator, provide a classroom that encourages curiosity, not one that diminishes it.

How has school got in the way of education? (things I don't want to do)

They were concerned with the statistics of learning instead of measuring growth.
Everyone is taught the same way at the same time
Teachers picked favorites
No forgiveness
Defining your intelligence through homework
If you don't earn an "A", worse than average
We were taught how to take tests
we were taught how to memorize
There's only 1 correct answer
Resulted in being afraid to ask questions

Characteristics of an outstanding teacher


ED Philosophies


examine all institutions

examine myths



teacher as demonstrator

Curriculum and Instruction

Learning by objectives

Master of facts

Socratic dialogue


Back to basics

Develop cultural literacy

Train intellect

Classroom environment

Teacher controls classroom with a system of rewards and punishments

Teacher is very strict

Teacher is center of classroom

Strict and disciplined






Objective tests/Standardized tests

How well they can transfer knowledge into skills

Dante and Charles Dickens

Teach students reasoning skills and critical thinking

Organized and discipline

To seek enduring truths which are constant

great ideas of Western Civilization

History, English, Philosophy

transmit eternal truths and values

Promote moral development

Cultivate the intellect

believe education and knowledge transcends time

Social Reconstructionism


focused on students experience in life and tries to solve real world problems

Prepare change agents

critique cultural and social institutions


B.F. Skinner

"Repetition of a meaningful connection results in learning"

Role of Teacher
Purpose of School
Nature of Learner

Group Oriented

Provides an unselfish atmosphere to learn


Educational Giants

John Dewey

"Education is a process of living, not a preparation for the future."

"school should improve the way of life for our citizens through experiencing freedom and and democracy in schools"



Community centered


Emphasize citizenship

Formative evaluation

Classroom Environment

Students should experiment

Encourage students to ask questions


"Books are tools, not authority"

Be active, not passive


Integrative Units

Problem solving

Project method

cooperative learning

Experience centered

Should come from student interests and questions

Role of teacher

Research director

Collaborative partner

Director of learning


Help the students "learn by doing"

Purpose of school

Promote democratic society

Students learn through problem solving and making connections to their lives outside of school

Should be focused on the student, not the content or teacher

Classroom Culture

Get to know students and their families
Have many different forms of communication between teachers and parents
Example from class: Potluck before school starts
Do a family history/genealogy activity
It is important not to see color, but it is important to recognize different backgrounds and treat them accordingly.
You can't treat every student the same way. They are each different.
"Technology is stunting thought and wonder"
Encourage them to explore
Use nature as a way to promote thinking and wonder
Celestial Culture

How to Teach

Don't take a middle class perspective on students' lives.
Lesson Planning
Activity: do an "Activate Prior Knowledge"
Teaching in small groups and then presenting in front of the class
Application: have them pick random topics and then speak on that for 10 seconds

Help them think and articulate their

Help them act on revelation

Start with them sharing with small groups, and then help them transition to speak in front of the class
Teach no limitations
If we admit that in education it is necessary to begin with the experiences which the child already has and to use his spontaneous and social activity, then the city streets begin this education for him in a more natural way than does the school.
Would there be time for students to meditate and ponder what they learned?
Recreate positive conditions that children should have experienced in a loving home
Think like a scholar
Recognize the humanity of my students
Freedom of the Mind
Use connections

8 Essential Questions

Who am I and what motivates me?
Plan of Salvation

Prepare a lesson with each child in mind (individual worth)

Have a compliment wall where classmates write kind things about each other throughout the week

Should be service oriented

Find activities/opportunities to do service projects around the school. (Picking up trash around the playground, helping in the lunch room)

Get together with another class and do pen-pal sort of activities. Ministering in a way they don't know it.

Continually Progressing: For continual education and personal growth

For my future students

What is the role of learning and teaching in the home?
The Family: A Proclamation to the World

Parents should lead their family in wholesome, recreational activities.

Send newsletters home for the kids to do activities with their parents as much as possible. I want to encourage more family time as much as possible.

Children thrive best with both a mother and a father present in the home.

Encourage parents to really participate in Parent-Teacher conference.

Parents are responsible to teach their children what is right and wrong.

Do an activity where we share what everyone's family rules are.

Parents are one of the main sources of learning for a child
Parents should encourage learning and cultivate an environment for a desire of learning to grow
What is the role of school in society?
Endow the educator with the means to properly learn
They have a moral duty
Massachusetts Bay Colony article:
Moses 7: 18; Zion "they were of one heart and one mind"

"It takes a village to raise a child"

As people come together for one righteous cause, it bless the lives of each member.

Get involved with the community to influence good change for everyone, especially the children.

Everyone working together creates better results.

Work with other schools and brainstorm with those teachers and administrators.

As a teacher, I would like to participate in parent/teacher organizations to improve school for the students.

We are raising the next generation to thrive in society
Upon what foundation are U.S. public schools built?
We need to recognize the nature of learners at all ages
Demanding more and more out of younger children; this is not allowing them to enjoy the things they should at their age
Focusing on Essentialism - current public education
Every Student Succeeds Act: more focused on the needs of each individual student's learning

Each child learns differently in education and throughout life. Just as each person feels the Spirit differently.

3 Nephi 11:15; one by one

Have each child decorate a name tag full of their favorite things. Then have the members of their group say what they like about each students name tag.

Set aside time to get to know each individual student. Let them know I care not only about their education, but their likes and dislikes outside of school.

Every child has individual worth, and that can be conveyed as we recognize the different ways each student learns.

Do a variety of learning ranging from hands-on activities to doing lessons outside. Get to know each student and how they best learn.

No Child Left Behind Act
Common Core
How do I learn?
Hands on learning
Learn by the Spirit

Need to have humility - this encourages the Spirit to be there

Teachers should not always be in control

Meditation for the students

Allow small moments throughout the day for the Spirit to help them understand what is being taught.

The Spirit is the greatest teacher.

Since I will be teaching public school, I can't pray in the classroom. But I can still do things that will encourage the Spirit to be there and hopefully provide the Spirit to teach the kids.

What is worth teaching?
Teach the "why" behind the learning
What eternal truths and values do you believe should be shared with all students? - Teaching Philosophy


They can have second chances

Taught learning can turn to wisdom

The best students can learn anything anywhere

They should be taught that they are children of God

They are loved!

They are worth it and loved

Examples: a clam, coal/diamond, 5 dollar bill crushed activity, etc.

Teach them that the value of things doesn't always come from what they first see.

Means their potential is unlimited

Do an activity where classmates write down the strengths they see in each other

Failing can be turned into a positive thing.
Academics & Life Lessons

Become a well-educated member of society

How to learn effectively
Act on what is being taught
Teach them how to understand - I facilitate/guide their learning. I don't tell them just to listen.

If I do this, then they will hopefully know how to understand any truth that comes their way in life

Understanding is the spiritual outcome

What is my work as learner and teacher?

D&C 58:27; "Be anxiously engaged in a good causes"

Ask questions

Give students an opportunity to ask questions with one another and then also to me.

Every month do an activity that will help them figure out what they like and then spend some time throughout the month helping them learn more about that subject.

James 1:5; "Ask and ye shall receive"


Never turn your own thinking/thoughts over to another individual

Students should understand that in addition to continually learning, they will also need to know how to think for themselves on the spot

Have them teach me and their classmates what they have been learning.

Have them build something will Legos.

Give kids topics, and have them do an activity that has to do with that topic. Maybe they can write a story, draw a picture.

They need to know that they will be learning their whole lives, so they should understand how they learn best and to actively trying to learn new things.

Don't come out of 12 years of education only to be a bystander

Maintain humility while learning

accept their "teacher" as their guide in the learning journey

to become educated & seek learning continually


Understand doctrine/principles of Jesus Christ = good teacher

"Come Follow Me"

“Be a breeding ground for brilliance, optimism, and new thinking”

Promote honest learning

Problem solver





How do I view and magnify those I teach?

Help them understand consequences (both good/bad) - 2 Nephi 9:48

Use a "Choose Your Story" book/activity to show how choices can affect us. But then go on to say that we can always try again in life.

Keep moving forward

Application: draw a bunch of lines intertwining (looks like a mess), and then tell them to create a picture from that.

Children learn by their mistakes and as a teacher I need to remember/recognize that

Point out that lessons can be learned after we fail.

Unlimited potential
Children of God

Education is an eternal quest

Have a responsibility to learn continually