Catégories : Tous - organigrama - diagrama - mapa - ideas

par Tania Isabel MENDOZA OROZCO Il y a 4 années



Los organizadores gráficos son herramientas visuales que facilitan la clasificación y comprensión de la información. El organigrama es ideal para mostrar la jerarquía y las funciones dentro de una organización, empresa o escuela, permitiendo una clara visualización de las responsabilidades.


Son técnicas activas de aprendizaje en el cual se representan conceptos en esquemas visuales de fácil recordación e interpretación

If after constructing the VMOST tree for your organization you have no open questions, then you can be confident that your organization is well informed and well-aligned around your vision, mission, and strategy.

If you have any open issues from the analysis, then you should resolve these and communicate your vision, mission, and strategy again.

Many organizations have a vision, mission, and objectives but go straight to action, without having a strategy for understanding and solving difficult problems. This is the most likely area for further leadership.


Type in the name of your organization.

Diagrama de flujo

tienen un solo punto de inicio y un punto de cierre

Review all your strategies across objectives.

ofrecen métodos de compresión eficaz

Consider replacing strategies that do not solve problems.

Make some notes about how your Strategies should change.

utilizan formas especiales para representar procesos o acciones a realizar

Review each of your strategies and check that they really are strategies.

ideas claras y detalladas de un paso a paso a seguir

You might need to clarify your objectives to include other strategies, or maybe some of your strategies are not really aligned with objectives and should be changed.

Make some notes about how your objectives or strategies should change.

resulta muy útil para investigaciones u oportunidades de mejora
representan flujo de ideas a actividades logicas

To deliver this objective, you will need to work strategically.

For any objective, there will be obstacles and problems.

Your strategy should show that you understand the key problems, and know how to solve them.

Example: Establish a high-value exclusive brand to limit competition.

Mapa conceptual

ideal para modelos de estudio

You might need to add, remove or clarify tactics to execute each strategy.

Make some notes about how your tactics could be changed.

permiten rápida interpretación de conceptos e ideas

Consider each Strategy together with the tactical projects for executing it.

modelo organizado y jerárquico

You might need to restructure your tactical projects to eliminate duplication and ensure that the outcomes contribute to strategy.

Make some notes about how your tactics should change.

favorecen el recuerdo y facilitan el aprendizaje
sintetiza ideas

You might need to clarify your strategies to include other tactical activities, or maybe some of your projects are not aligned with strategy and should be dropped.

Make some notes about how your strategies or tactics should change.

se representa contenidos temáticos
representación grafica de la información que representa de la información

To execute your strategy, it will break down into a number of tactical activities.
Tactics are practical projects that bring your strategy to life.

Example: Make a list of preferred areas and research the independent food retail outlets in each.

Mapa mental

posee una estructura orgánica que se conecta por nodos

How can you ensure that your staff are making decisions that are influenced by bigger goals?

Make some notes about how you will do this.

crea formas de esquematizadas
facilita aprendizaje mediante visualización de ideas

You might need to ensure that everyone understands your plan.

Make some notes about how you will do this.

diagrama de aprendizaje ideal para asociar temas en especifico

It is not uncommon for those who are working on the tactics of an organization to be unaware of the strategy, objectives, mission, and vision behind them.


ideal para ayudar al aprendizaje de los infantes

Review your objectives together with your mission statement.

se sugiere organizar las ideas con apoyos de colores o dibujos

You might need to review your objectives to ensure that they work as a group and support each other.

Make some notes about how your objectives should change.

lo ideal es iniciar desde la parte interna e ir expandiendo la información

Review all your objectives.

ideal para poner en practica nuestra observación y pensamiento visual

You might need to clarify your mission to embrace other objectives, or maybe your objectives are not really aligned with your real mission.

Make some notes about how your mission statement or objectives should be changed.

constituyen unas de las mas primaria formas de representación
esquema circular donde se representan ideas vinculadas dentro del circulo

To deliver your mission, you will need a number of primary objectives.

These are major milestones, showing that you are achieving your mission. These should be written as SMART objectives, which means they are

Example: To partner with 5 new organic food retail outlets this year.

Mapa de ideas

una de herramientas más utilizadas para el aprendizaje estudiantil y laboral

Make some notes about how your Mission statement could be improved.

ayuda a aclarar ideas o pensamientos de algun tema en especifio

Review your vision statement and mission statement together.

Does your mission statement bring your vision to life? Do the targets in your mission statement align with your vision?

forma visual de organizar ideas donde se estabezcan relaciones no jerarquicas

In one sentence, summarise your mission.

Your mission states how you express your vision - what you are aiming to do, to make your vision into reality.

Example: to be the leading supplier of organic foods in your area


excelente para dar explicaciones donde necesitemos mostrar rangos u organización

Make some notes about how your vision statement could be improved.

ideal para dar a conocer funciones o responsabilidades dentro de una empresa escuela o actividad

Review your Vision statement:

Does your vision really reflect the values and beliefs that motivate you and your staff?

ideal para dar a conocer, organizar y jerarquizar estructuras internas de empresas trabajos o temas

In one sentence, describe the vision of your organization. Your vision should:

Example: You believe that sustainable organic foods are better for people and the environment

Topic principal