par Fatima Sharif Il y a 3 années
Plus de détails
idenitfy critical points, cross at x axis is css
d/dx {f(xss)} = 0 (y axis)
determine stability by lookin at a fllow directions
preturb off its xss: n = x -x*
dn/dt= d/dt (x-x*)= f(x) - f(x*)
= f(x) = f(x* + n)
= 0 + nf' (x*) + 0
< 0 stable
speeding toward
> 0 unstable
speeding away
derivative of f(x*) is not 0 bc this is f''
via expansion taylor dn/dy = f(x*) + nf'(x*) + O(n²)
very small perturbation so third term is negligible
dn/dt = f(x) - 0
Depolarizing or depolarizing voltage
Change I app very fast
to create steps (pulses)
dv/dt = 0 0 = Iapp - I mem (C +) I mem = Iapp
What happend to C ?????
(Depolarizaing) Pulses
steps to higher voltages)
2 - Compare
3- Correct
4 - Inject
5 - Monitor
axons dont have other than Na + an k+ channels
separation and subtraction of ionic currents
LAST THREE MINUTES OF 9.1????????????
embracing currents can be isolated via ion subsists ion and digital subtraction
transient (happens when inactivate)
capacitive transient
I ion - Activation of K+ current when voltage back -10 --> -70, low driving force because ion channels decativate
only flows at instant voltage changes
membrane bistability
peaks at Na becomes given a voltage and also where I will eventually steady given voltage
K+ , delayed outward current
Na+, early inward current
changing Na concent only saw change in the early inward curent
the 2 blips at +70 and +90 mv are evoke at volatges above nerst potential