Catégories : Tous - marketing - capital - land - entrepreneurship

par Savva Vorotynskiy Il y a 6 années


Lemonade Stand and Factors of Production

In the context of lemonade production, four main factors of production play crucial roles: land, entrepreneurship, labor, and capital. Land encompasses the physical spaces used for production, storage, and sales.

Lemonade Stand and Factors of Production

Factors of Production


Negotiationg the best prices from the lemon sellers and other suppliers to make the best profit margin, or lower the price to increase popularity and make more money that way
Being able to attract new consumers due to marketing
Being able to identify what the consumer wants


Intellectual capital
Perhaps a secret family recipe that everyone loves
Finanical capital
The money neecssary to pay the workers, pay for the lemons, machines, etc. to make it all run
Physical capital
the raw materials (lemons, sugar,etc.)
The juicers, mixers, etc.


keep inventory at the "warehouse" or storage
Sell the lemonade
Workers to make the lemonade


Land on which lemonade is produced
Land on which I set up my lemonade stand
Land on which I store the lemons, sugar, spare equipment, etc.