Catégories : Tous - insurance - stress - bankruptcy - heart

par heena kaur Il y a 2 années


Impact of Heart Disease in Canada

Heart disease significantly impacts Canadians, with one in twelve adults diagnosed and twelve deaths every hour. The financial burden is substantial, as obtaining insurance becomes costly, leading some individuals to declare bankruptcy due to insufficient coverage and income loss.

Impact of Heart Disease in Canada

Impact of Heart Disease in Canada


overthinking by keep focusing on the same topic over and over again leads to high blood pressure , severe pain .
shocking news of famous celebrity or known person leads to heart failure.
lack of exercise
higher cholesterol level due to inactive body and unhealthy diet
Longer sitting hours leads to increase in risk of indigested food and might contribute to heart problems.


about 1 in every 12 adult diagnose with heart disease or CVD and every one hour, 12 adults and over die due heart failure .
pay higher cost for more coverage.
it becomes challenging and costly to approve insurance
Not enough having passive income except employment.
Not having enough coverage and huge loss of income leads to borrow money from family , friends and results in declaring bankruptcy


working hours
more patients of heart disease leads to longer shifts for staffs which contributes to health issues and might to heart disease due to stress , depression . again , leads to increase in patients of CVD.
Unable to find jobs who suffered from stroke or CVD disease in ancient times , now improving .
Longer stays in hospitals for treatments leads to loss of job.
Loss of Income
it leads to lose of 13 workdays per year per patient .
People with heart attack had loss of income by $3834 in 2013 and $11,143 loss who had cardiac arrest .

Health care system

Delay in Heart surgeries
As per the news, one person waited for 5 years for heart transplant in Manitoba, which clearly highlights lack of treatment resources.
According to the report,27 % hospitals don't have essentials resources or procedures to treat heart failure.
Leads to shortage of employees and specialists .
most of the patients with heart failure and strokes contributes filling up the hospitals and emergency rooms resulting in burdening the healthcare department,
it is estimated that cost of healthcare expenditure will rise to $720 millions by 2030.
patients with heart diagnosis in Canada costs $ 415 millions in 2004 while $ 482 millions in 2013 for their treatment.


Men are more likely to effect and die from this disease as compare to women as men age from 45 and women age 55 , as women's hormones flucuate until menopause and provide protection.
people with family history of CVD or heart disease are more impacted as compare to other people. Clinicals are recording family data for premature heart disease so that they can start early treatments and checkups if its spreading among other family members.
Age group:
about 5% of children age of 12 and above facing this disease whereas 23 % of 75+ having heart disease in Canada.


Morality Rate
Canada ranked 6th among other 16 countries with heart disease or CVD among people.
according to sources,141.9 deaths been recorded in between 2009 to 2011 as per 100,000 population.
Approximately 65.7 millions were spend on prescriptions for CVD every year.
As cases of CVD going up rapidly , the cost of healthcare system touching milestone from $22.2 billion in 2000 to 52.5 billion in 2007.
Rate of CVD rising speedily among men at age of 45 and among women at 55 years .
people with heart disease suffers improper functioning of body, higher risk of sudden death and health issues.
Whereas 300,000 people people surviving with effects of heart stroke. it leads to increase in mortality rate in Canada.
About 1.3 million canadians suffering from heart disease.