Catégories : Tous - formularios - módulos - macros - datos

par cateriny lopez Il y a 3 années


elementos fundamentales de access

En Access, los datos se organizan en tablas que contienen registros y campos, permitiendo almacenar información estructurada como números, textos, fechas y más. Los formularios son herramientas clave para introducir y visualizar datos, además de facilitar la interacción con la base de datos.

elementos fundamentales de access

elementos fundamentales de access

This ancient civilization of Northeastern Africa is one of the most spectacular of the ancient world. Find out more about the people of Ancient Egypt, their gods and goddesses, magical land and daily life.

diferentes tipos de datos

Memo. Caracteres alfanuméricos. Hasta 64,000 caracteres. Numero. Valores numéricos en varios tipos y formatos. Fecha/Tiempo. Formato de fecha y hora. Moneda. Datos monetarios.


Egyptian Art has a major role in conveying the essential traits of this great civilization.

The Egyptian art portrays best what this civilization valued the most, what people looked like, how they dressed, the jobs they had, etc.

pero para esto se debe de programar en access
Work of art

Works of art in Ancient Egypt

Egyptian art includes paintings, sculptures, hieroglyphics, papyrus sheets, pottery objects. Give a few examples.

queries, abrir tablas, imprimir reportes, ejecutar otras macros.

Colors in Ancient Egyptian art

What are the colors used most often in Egyptian paintings? Type them in.

son: validar campos, abrir y ejecutar

Materials in Ancient Egyptian art

Type in the materials which were frequently used to create works of art of any kind.

de manera automática. Algunos ejemplos de instrucciones que se pueden incluir en una macro

Symbolism played a very important role in Ancient Egypt art.

Type in various symbols highlighted in the Egyptian work of arts.



What is the meaning of this symbol?

Example: red can symbolize vitality.

Las macros se pueden utilizar para ejecutar secuencias de operaciones

Periods in Ancient Egyptian art

Type in the 6 periods in the Egyptian art. Example: Old Kingdom (2680 BC-2258 BC) .


A 'pharaoh' was the supreme political and religious leader of the land. The word 'pharaoh' comes from Greek and it initially related to the designation of a royal residence.

Each pharaoh was usually the son or declared heir of the previous pharaoh, born of the Great Wife (pharaoh’s chief consort) or sometimes a lesser-ranked wife favored by the pharaoh.
Among the over 300 pharaohs in ancient Egypt, only a few of them succeeded to leave behind an eternal legacy.

que corresponden a las columnas y definen los nombres y tipos de datos que componen la tabla.

Guess the Pharaoh

Type in the name of this pharaoh and the period in which she ruled.

Las tablas guardan la información en registros que corresponden a las hileras y campos

Guess the Pharaoh

Type in the name of the ruler and the period in which he reigned.

contiene datos acerca de alguna entidad de información, por ejemplo, clientes

Guess the Pharaoh

Type in the name of the pharaoh and the period in which he ruled.

La información de una base de datos esta organizada en forma tabular

Guess the Pharaoh

Type in the name of this important pharaoh and the period in which he ruled. Example: Ahmose I, 1570 - 1546 BC.

tipos de datos

Texto. Caracteres alfanuméricos. Hasta 255 caracteres.Auto Numérico. Contador numérico auto incrementado. Si/No. Valores lógicos. Si/No, Verdadero / falso. Objetos OLE. Imágenes, graficas, multimedia, documentos de Office.


Es un objeto que contiene una función personalizada y que puede ser creada utilizando Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).

Topic principal


lleva un registro detallado

Egyptians wore make-up and jewelry because they believed this made them more attractive for the Gods. Also, jewelry was a sign of wealth - the more jewelry someone had, the richer he/she was.

leer, o etiquetas para envíos por correo y formatos de cartas personalizados.

Footwear in Ancient Egypt

Egyptians went barefoot most of the time, but on special occasions, they liked to wear sandals. Nevertheless, the materials from which the rich people and the poor ones made their sandals differed.

presentada. Por ejemplo, lista ordenada de los campos y registros seleccionados en un formato fácil

How did children in Ancient Egypt dress?

Type in a short description of the way the children in Ancient Egypt were dressed.


How did the Egyptian women dress?

Type in a short description of the way the women from Ancient Egypt were dressed.


How did the Egyptian men dress?

Type in a short description of the way the Egyptian men dressed.

Objeto diseñado para calcular, imprimir, totalizar, y definir una buena apariencia de la información

Clothing materials in Ancient Egypt

The hot summers and mild winters in Egypt favored light clothing made predominantly out of plant fibers.

Animals skins and feathers were sometimes worn by priests and pharaohs.

Type in several examples of clothing materials.


Ancient Egyptian Farming

One of the reasons for which this civilization was so successful was the fact that they used farming to produce their own food and cloth. The farmers grew their crops along the bank of the River Nile.

el echo de llevar un orden dentro del formulario dentro de access

What animals did the Egyptians have?

Animals were very important to Egyptians both because they were a source of food and drink, and they helped the farmers with pulling the plow, eating unwanted crops, and trampling in the seeds. Type in several examples.

Las formas se pueden imprimir y también se usan para personalizar la presentación de la base de datos.

What crops did the Egyptians grow?

They grew all sorts of crops, but the most important was grain, from which they made bread, beer, and porridge. Type in various types of crops.

Es un objeto diseñado principalmente para introducir, mostrar, o controlar la ejecución