par justin ruzicka Il y a 13 années
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This map is a detailed description of the use of measurments in mathematics.
This link provides a conversion calculator for all you conversion needs.
The United States is the only industrialized nation not to adopt the metric system, as its primary measuring system.
comparing your weight in the metric system is a lot easier than using the standard system.
a person weighs 100kg 100000g 100000000mg
metric system deals with power of ten
a person weghs 100lbs 16000 ozs
standard system uses randon conversion numbers that make little sense.
Remember when finding the volume of someething your answer is always cubed. Example. cm^3
Distance is closely related to time. How fast does a car go?
Miles / hour.
Rate = distance x time
Rate = How fast the object is moving.
Distance = How far away something is or how far you have traveled.
Time = How long it took you.
Time is always measured the same while using the metric and standard systems. Ex. seconds, minutes, hours, days