Catégories : Tous - acceleration - motion - displacement - velocity

par Hailey Davis Il y a 6 années


Earth science 2nd project

When discussing motion and forces, the concept of constant acceleration is fundamental. In a vacuum, without air resistance, objects of different masses, like a feather and a bowling ball, fall at the same rate and hit the ground simultaneously.

Earth science 2nd project

Earth science unit 2 project


Speed in a given direction

What is the relationship between acceleration and Velocity

The relationship between them is Velocity is the speed in a direction and acceleration is when there is a change in direction.

Constant acceleration

If there is no air resistance and i dropped a feather and a bowing ball they would hit the ground at the same time because there is no air going against the feather .
Because of this if you throw a ball in the air it will stop momentarily and then come back down .
If there was no air resistance on earth everything would be in constant acceleration.


Accerlation also occurs when there is an increase in speed, a decrease in speed, or a change in direction
Is a change in velocity

what is the relationship between Displacement and motion

The relationship between them is the both move but displacement in the lenght of the starting point to the ending point.


The lenght of a straight line from an objects intial positon to its final position