Ology Mind Map - Mind Map

Ology Mind Map

Anthropology: the study of human experiences

Linguistic Anthropology: the study of how language influences social life

Questions asked by them: -How do we learn languages? -How are languages related? -Does biology (gender,race,etc,etc) effect speech? -How is language related to social class?

Famous Figures

Ferdinand de Saussure (1857 - 1913 Swiss linguist): -one of the forefathers of linguistics - He is most recognizable for introducing the idea that every word is a linguistic sign, which consists of two components: the signifier, or the phonetic form of a word Roman Jakobson (1896-1982 American-Russian linguist): -he changed the way scholars studied phonology, the sound structure of language by proposing the idea of distinctive features

(Roman Jakobson)

Physical Anthropology: the study of human biological and physiological characteristics and development

Questions asked by them: -How are physical appearance differs from early humans? -Why do humans physically differ? -How we adapted to our environment? -What diversity is found in humans?

Famous Figures

Karl Ernst (1792-1876 Estonian Anthropologist): -He created comparative embryology alongside comparative anatomy Louis Leakey 1903- 1972 English Anthropologist): -He's known for finding human fossils in Africa, proving humans are older than perviously thought and that evloution centered around Africa rather than Asia

(Louis Leakey)

Sociocultural Anthropology:the study of human similarities and differences and their impact on social phenomena

Ethnagrophy: systemic study of a groups culture

Famous Figures

Franz Boas (German-born American Anthropologist 1858-1942) Bronisław Malinowski (Polish-born American Anthropologist 1884-1942): two famous anthropologists who decided to live with the social groups they were studying

(Bronisław Malinowski)

Questions asked by them: -Why do peoples beliefs and behaviors differ? - How is life in other societies? -How families are formed? -Why do social hierarchies exist?

Archaeology: study of human history and prehistory

Questions asked by them: -How and what did we eat? -How did ancients make and use tools? -What were ancients like? -What illnesses effected ancients?

Famous Figures

Kathleen Kenyon (1906 – 1978 British Archaeologist): -She is most known for excavations of Tell es-Sultan, the site of ancient Jericho, from 1952 to 1958, - has been called one of the most influential archaeologists of the 20th century Howard Carter (1874 –1939 British archaeologist): -Most known for finding the intact tomb of King tut

(Howard Carter)

Sociology:the study of human society

Race: physical differences in groups and cultures.

Famous Figures

William Edward Burghardt Du Bois (1868 – 1963 American sociologist, socialist):Growing up in a racially integrated town, he would later be influenced to enter the field of sociology, and why some races have it better than others. He fought political representation and full civil rights for blacks in America, while also campaigning against jim crow laws, lynchings, etc,etc.

Patricia Hill Collins (1948- American sociologist specializing in race, class and gender): She is a professor at the University of Maryland. As a previous head of Department of African-American Studies at the University of Cincinnati, and a former President of the American Sociological Association, making her the first African American female president. She mainly bases her work on social inequality Black woman face, which is why she is sometimes considered a feminist.

Environmental Sociology: the study of societies and their interactions with nature.

Famous Figure

Herbert Spencer (1820–1903 British sociologist ) One of the first sociologists to put social life in social system. Seeing humans as organisms who evolve within their environment, how we follow different social trends while avoid others.

Gender:a range of characteristics that determine how masculine or feminine someone is on a spectrum.

Famous Figures

Jane Addams, ( 1860-1935 American sociologists and Nobel peace prize winner): Jane Addams founder of the Women's International League to advocate for immigrants, the lower class, and obviously women while being a business woman at the same time.

Myra Bradwel (1831-1894 American lawyer and sociologists): My American lawyer and author by night. She is most known for her attempt to become the first woman in Illinois supreme court. Being denied in 1870 but later taking high profile cases of feminist leader under her wing.

Technology:how different groups interact with technology and how it affect their everyday life.

Famous Figures

Jürgen Habermas (1929 German philosopher and sociologist ) -He is known for producing critical theory and pragmatism -While also addressing/predicting the evolution of communicative technology and how it will affect society as a whole

Psychology: the study of the mind and behavior; how the brain works, and how it affects behavior

Clinical Psychology:the study of behavior and emotions too help patients.

Questions asked by them: -How did the patient get to this state? -What is most important factor in the patients life? -What can we learn from the patients experience?

Famous Figures:

Lauren B. Alloy ( American psychologist 1953-): recognized for research in mood disorders.

Sigmund Freud ( Austrian Psychologists 1856 – 1939): He is the founder of psychoanalysis and his research laid the foundation for modern Clinical Psychologists.

Theoretical Psychology: the study of general rules that control human thought and behavior, to theorize summons mental process.

Educational psychology:The study of human learning.

Famous Figures

Alberta Bandura ( 1925- American Psychologists): known for creating the Social Learning Theory, which states that observation is a key component of the learning

Howard Gardner (American psychologist 1943-): he created numerous books around his Multiple Intelligences Theory, that states learning occurs in many different ways

Developmental psychology: the study of growth, change and consistency though the lifespan

James Mark Baldwin (American Psychologist 1861–1934): he is recognized for founding a department for psychology in the universities of Toronto and Princeton.

Diana Baumrind (American Psychologist 1927–2018): Mostly recognized for her research in the different types of parenting and her critique of deceiving participants during an experiment.

Cognitive psychology: the study of mental process

Famous Figures:

Wilhelm Wundt (German psychologist 1832-1920):Is known for being the first psychologist to differentiate between philosophy and psychology; understanding a person as an individual rather than a group.

Wolfgang Köhler (German psychologist 1887-1967): Recognized for the founding of Gestalt Psychology; a field of psychology that deals with structuralism and the science of human behavior.

Questions asked by them: -How we think? -Why we feel? -What was the thought process at the time? -Why we think?

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