Daniel Pinnock

Career Interest

Web design

Computer Science




Learning Styles

(My 2 strongest intelligences are
Interpersonal, Linguistic and
Logical Mathematical)

"Logical Mathematical" is an
intelligence which includes
the ability to solve problems
using numbers and
understanding the relations
between numbers. I own this
intelligence because although
I'm not a fan of math tests,
I've grasped the concept

“Linguistic” is one of the 8 intelligences. It has many aspects to it like vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, etc. I think I possess this learning skill because I love reading and find it easy to express my opinions/feelings.

(Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic,
Best styles of learning.)

After completing the survey
I found that my best style
of learning was by Visualization
meaning that I learn best while
watching something being done,
graphs and illustrations. In addition
I found that I learn best when
I'm allowed to make more decisions
for myself.



Having good communication skills means that you're not afraid to talk to people in public, you should have confidences when speaking and also good listening skills.


Having leadership skills means that you have the ability to communicate and you're confident. Good leadership skills means being able to control a group of people.

Quick learner

Being a quick learner means when being taught new something, you can easily comprehend things and become good at them.

Good self esteem

Having a good self esteem means that you know who you are, your confident in your self and comfortable with your body. Having a good self esteem means being able to know your own skills, strengths and weakness.

Open minded

Having an Open mind means your willing to try new things and consider new ideas. For example, if you disagree with someone's opinion, you have the ability to understand where they are coming from and take it into account.

Sense of humour

Having a sense of humor means being able to laugh at and seeing the humor in situations.I think that I have a good sense of humor because I never take things too seriously and laugh/make jokes in odd situation.


As a result of having good communication skills, this lead me to believe that being a politican, therapist or working in management would be a good option for me. Being a politican or therapist requires you to be able to express and defend your opinions. Working in management means being able to lead a group of people while also being able to fit their needs. Leadership and having an open mind would also be beneficial because not only would you be able to lead people, but also consider their ideas.

As a result of being a quick learner, becoming a computer scientist or web designer would be profitable since as a computer science is essential the study of computer, its technology is always advancing which forces you to be able to quickly adapt to new methods and technology. As a web designer, when being paid to develop a website, when the buyer is making requests, you must be able to learn how to do certain effects in the given period of time.

Personal interest



Video games



My personal interests consists of
Video games, Sports, Books, Debates
and computers. I feel that each of
these aspects are a representation
of my identity. I think this is because I enjoy doing these thing and do them pretty

Connections(Learning Styles)

My strongest intelligences are Linguistic and logical mathematical. These two intelligences are very beneficial in today's society. I related my intelligences to my personal/career interests.
My personal interests that relates to my linguistic intelligence consist of debates. When in a debate, you're forced to remember information and use advance grammar to appear correct. Both of these aspects are some of the skills that can also come with being linguistic. Because commuication falls into the category of being linguistic therefore, it has the same career interets which was becoming a politcian, therapist and working in management.
Logical Mathematical:
Most of the personal interests listed can be associated with some of the aspects of Logical Mathematical. Firstly sports, although it may not seem like so, whenever we're playing sports, we play without realizing that we're calculating (angles, distance, height, etc.) each play.
Next, video games. Video games consist of geometry, transformations, probability and physics, etc. Being logical mathematical would essential improve your performance in video games due to you being able to perform quick calculations.
Being logical mathematical could be related to many of my career interests. Computer science uses a lot mathematics as they cover topics from theoretical studies of algorithms. And even requires you to complete classes in math in order to recieve your degree.
In web design, they use something called the golden ratio. It's the calculations of the sizes of layouts in a website, this method is rarely used due to its difficulty but, being logical mathematical would allow you to calculate mesurements or ratios easily.