A single cell organism apart of the protista kingdom.
The include all organisms that are NOT bacteria, animalia, plantae or fungi
A diverse collection of organisms.
They can sometimes be very different from one another
Most are unicellular
Primarily live in water although some live in soil.
Examples of protists: algae, amoebas, euglena, plasmodium, & slime molds
Protists can be parasites
Can be found anywhere on Earth where water exists. Even in humans.
Protists are eukaryotic, this means they have a nucleus.
There are three different groups of archaebacteria: methanogens, halophiles, & thermophiles.
One of the first places archaebacteria were first found was in the hot springs of Yellowstone National Park
Archaebacteria are found in extreme environments such as hot or salty
Are known to be the longest living organisms on earth
The name "archae" means ancient
Eubacteria in the human guts help with the process in food digestion and synthesis of vitamin K.
Protects the human body from harmful bacteria
Consist of a single cell lacking a nucleus includes DNA that is a single circular chromosome
Examples of eubacteria include E. coli, Lactobacilli, & Azospirillum
Lack a nuclear membrane
Can be different shapes such as round, comma shaped, or spirals.
Are complex and single celled
Certain Eubacteria are able to induce serious diseases including tuberculosis, meningitis, anthrax, leprosy, cholera and tetanus.
Some eubacteria can make their own food while others have to find it
The animal kingdom is the largest kingdom with over 1 million species
All animals are apart of this kingdom
Most are free moving
Include mammals, fish, reptiles, birds and amphibians
They reproduce sexually by sperm & eggs
All animals are made up of many different cells
They rely on other organisms for their nutrients
Also referred to as metazoa
Some of the less complex animals can grow back missing body parts
Fungi include mushrooms, mold and mildew
Some are edible while others could kill humans
Most fungi are multicellular
Contain many complex cells
Unlike plants, fungi are unable to make their own food
They feed off of parts of plants that are decaying inside soil
Plants are all multicellular
Consist of complex cells
They show alterations of generations
Organisms that make their own food
Plantae is the second largest kingdom
Without plants, life on Earth could not exist
Plants feed almost all of the organisms that feed other organisms
Plants have chloroplast and chlorophyll pigment. This is required for photosynthesis
They have photosynthesis
A group of all plants that are found on earth
They can be both; sexual & asexual