Les autochtones avant l'arrivée des Français


Catlin, G. (2014,April). Les Amérindiens des Grandes Plaines. Retrieved from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Catlinpaint.jpg

11th grade History class

At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
* describe the different ways of living (nomad or sedentary) of the Native people in Canada before the arrival of the French
* memorize certain aspects of the day to day living of the Native population. (Examples: mode of transportation, food supply, social organization, religion)

Speaker led presentation

Colours: earthly colors- background: light browns- letters: Dark browns and dark reds Fonts: Alegreya and Cabin

Online assessment: quiz in Kahoot!

Multi-media: images, video and audio (background music at beginning)

Content notes: -12 famille linguistiques - mode de vie - activité économique - alimentations - moyens de transports - religion - organisation sociale