Arjun Karthik: A Look
At the Careers Course
Thus Far

Left Brain Dominant

Analytical and logical

Love academic courses such as math

Love figuring out answers to problems using logic, It feels so satisfying! This is why I enjoy puzzle games, as they require logic and skill to win. Math is also my best subject in school, and I even recieved an overall academic award for my performance in all eight courses (averaged above 80%).

Prefer to use logic
when making a decision

Choice to joing the IB Program or not, I thought
about the pros and cons before making my decision.
Pros: Will learn good time management skills, get to go to Glenforest S.S, be able to compete with other higher level academic students.
Cons: School is a bit far, lots of homework and projects,
have to juggle eight courses at once in grades nine and ten
Pros outweigh the cons, so I chose to accept the offer.

Multiple Intelligences

Logic/Math Intelligence

Thinks life from a more factual point of view
Mathematics is my best academic subject in school

Many different career choices for this intelligence such as a financial analyst or computer programming

Financial Analysts have to analyse
numbers to tell how well or poor a
company is doing. This requires a lot of
logical sense to know exactly what is going
on. Would be a very interesting career course
as I like numbers.

Computer Programmers also should
have a very good logical mindset, as that is
the basis of learning how to program a computer. Because I am interested in this job, I took a computer science elective for the grade 10 school year.

Intrapersonal Intelligence

Has a strong sense of self and am confident
in who I am as a person. I am also good at learning things on my own in class such as the periodic trends and discussing them with others to gain a better understanding.

Many different career choices for this intelligence
such as a writer or motivational speaker.

Writing has always been a
hobby of mine and thus would
make a fun career choice. I like
expressing my inner though
through writing and it requires
focus and hard work.

I personally do not enjoy motivational
speaking so it wouldn't be a good choice for me, but generally for this intelligence it would be a good job as this allows for others to express a point that they find important.

Musical Intelligence

I love the musical arts (Two awards in it the past two years) and I am very good at analyzing different sounds. As an instrumentalist (flute and guitar) I love playing music. I also love listening to music specifically to hard rock as it is my favourite genre.

Many different career choices for this intelligence
such as a music teacher or a composer.

Being a music teacher would be an awesome
job, as I would be able to teach people about a huge passion of mine.

A composer would be a difficult job
but if I make it big it would be an amazing

True Colour (Green)





Learning Styles




Employability Skills


