Luokat: Kaikki - warfare - assassination - conscription - imperialism

jonka Gabriel Viveiros 3 vuotta sitten


The Great War

In early 1917, after visiting the trenches and witnessing the dire conditions, Canadian Prime Minister Sir Robert Borden promised soldiers more reinforcements and subsequently pushed for a conscription bill, mandating men to join the army.

The Great            War

The Great War

The Battle Of Vimy Ridge

the British and the French both failed to take this important point and so the task was given to Canada. The attack was such a large success that it is known to be the battle in which Canadians made a name for themselves.
Vimy ridge was a mountain-like holding point for the Germans and a very powerful position. It was important to take this point because it would give a large advantage to the allied forces.


Early in 1917, the canadian PM Sir Rober Borden went to visit the trenches, appalled by what he saw he asked the soldiers what they needed He promised them more men as that was what they asked for Borden went back home and attempted to pass a conscription bill The conscription forced men to join the army The conscription hit like a bomb


Recruitment Methods: Canada recruited soldiers through the use of propaganda posters that questioned loyalty and manhood, or shamed men into joining the army Using woman as a way to pressure men to enlist Political speeches and lectures about duty
Exclusions: Black People Aboriginal People Asian People people of any cultural descent of the triple alliance

The Treaty Of Versailles

The Treaty of Versailles was the treaty that marked the end of the first world war.
BRAT stood for blame, reparations, army, and territory the Germans had to take blame for the war, pay reparations cut down there army to 100,000 max and give up most of the territory they colonized to other countries in Europe.

The Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

Bosnia was initially a part of Serbia, until Austria-Hungary tookover. On june 28, 1914 the duke and duchess Franz Ferdinand and Sophie Ferdinand, were taking part in a parade in Bosnia They travelled an unguarded route in an open vehicle An extremist/terrorist group known as the black hand, had an assassin attempt to throw a grenade at the car, bouncing off the back and hitting the car behind them injuring the people in the back. The duke went to the hospital to visit the people injured. On the way there, more terrorists were waiting, and this time Franz and Sophie were shot and killed in the open vehicle

Warfare: Air, Land, Sea



War in the air was initially just intel gathering by flying over opposing trenches however, eventually they evolved into forms of offense by dropping bombs on enemy territory
the main form of combat in the sea was through the destruction of shipments for opposing soldiers U-boats were the most effective way to do so as they attacked without warning and disappeared in a matter of minutes
the main form of combat on the land was through trench warfare

The Alliances

The Triple Entente
Britain France Russia
The Triple Alliance
Germany Italy Austria-Hungary

The Role of Women

Women who enlisted became medics The main role of woman on the home front was to take over the jobs of men on farms, in factories to supply for the soldiers oversea


A belief that people of similar culture should be united extreme/excessive pride and willingness to sacrifice for your own country All of Europe was very nationalistic in 1914
European regions were trying to build empires by conquering other nations (Asia and Africa) Britain and France became very rich and powerful due to the colonies Germany wanted colonies as well and threatened the French and British interests
Germany had a new king come into power, he was very aggressive, built a strong navy and pushed to colonize other nations Germany’s aggression formed an alliance between France and Russia Germany’s new navy scared Britain into joining the alliance with France and Russia In response, Germany formed an alliance with Italy and Austria-Hungary
Attempting to solve political issues using treats, brinksmanship, and war. this was very commonly used by all of Europe before 1914. Germany was the first country to use this.

The Trenches

the trenches were absolutely wretched. They smelt foul, they were very unsanitary, and many soldiers got a disease known as trench foot.
once opposing forces realized that this war was going to be much longer than they predicted, they began to dig trenches for cover as they were mainly fighting along a flat battlefield.