Luokat: Kaikki - relationships - teachers - advice - classes

jonka Nicholas Law 3 vuotta sitten


My Life As A Grade Nine

The anticipation for the upcoming school year centers around hopes that the pandemic will subside, allowing for a return to normalcy without masks and the ability to socialize freely.

My Life As A Grade Nine

My Life As A Grade Nine

St. James 2021-2022

What advice would you have for incoming grade 9’s to make the most out of their first year in high school?
The advice that I would have for the incoming grade nines is to not be so nervous, be relaxed and calm, be open to new/different people, and to not be nervous in a group of people, just be yourself and have fun.
What is your hope for the new school year in September? Why is this important to you?
My hope for the new school year in 2021-2022 is that Covid-19 is gone, the classes are interesting and good, and that I get great teachers for the clases that I have chosen. I hope that Covid-19 is gone, so that we don't have to wear the mask and so that we can go to the plaza at lunch. I hope that I get great teachers/have interesting classes so I don't have a boring or even a really hard class.


What have been your strengths this year? (e.g. time management, self-discipline,social interaction , discovering cooking skills etc.)
The strengths for me this year would have to be, time management, self-discipline, and cooking skills. Time management has been one of my strengths because I have gotten all my assignment done/handed in on time this year and have been doing good at balancing homework and family time this year. Self-discipline is another one of my strengths because I have to be strong and do my work when I get home so I have time for family, not slack off and not do it. The last one is cooking. Cooking is one of my strengths this year because I have learned how to cook a lot of different foods like, Kraft Dinner, Ground Beef, Hamberger, Sausage, Chicken, Rice, Veggies, ect...
How has what you valued in life changed over this last year?
In the past year the things that I have valued have changed. Some of the things that I have valued that has changed is, hockey, family, and my look at life. Hockey has changed for me because I use to play it 24/7 but I had a accident in the game and it made me realize things that are more important then just hockey. Family has changed for me also because I use to just see me family as people not "family" until grade nine were they gave me more privilege, and I recognized how much then do for me. Lastly, life has changed for me because I used to look at life day by day, and never look for excitement. In grade nine is were I realized that I need to look for excitement in my life, so it wouldn't be so boring.


What is one topic we covered in class this year do you think will stick with you as we move forward? Explain
The one topic that I think will stick with me through high school or even the rest of my life is, relationships. I think that relationships will stick with me because we talked about how to treat people nicely in relationships and how to just be kind and love someone truly. I think that will stick with because that is something very valuable to know and not everyone knows how to treat someone that is special to them kindly, and treat them with respect.
In what ways has your faith/relationship with God changed over the past year?
My relationship with God in the past year has changed. The relationship that I have with God has changed in the past year, by that I'm not as close to God as I was last year. The relationship with God that I have has gotten farther away because I haven't been going to church as much as I did because of Covid-19 and that I haven't been praying as much as I should.


In what ways did highschool make it difficult to make new friends?
Some of that ways that high school has made it more difficult to make friends, is the Quadmesters, not have lunch in the caffitaly, and not being to go out at lunch with my friends. The Quadmestersd have made it more difficult because I am only seeing the same group of people for a week and then another group of people for the other week. I don't get the normal way of high school with four class a day were I can meet and see different groups of people. Not have lunch/going out for lunch has made it difficult because I don't get to meet the people that my friends meet and can't make new and more friends that way.
Has your friend group changed since elementary school? Did you make a lot more new ones or get closer with a certain few?
My friend group has changed a bit from my elementary friend group. There was only 8 of us that came from my elementary school to St. James, and that 8 people I really wasn't close with them. For me it has been a little different trying to learn their personalities and make new friends, but I have and I have even come closer with some of my friends from elementary.

School Life

What was your biggest success during grade 9?
My biggest success for me in grade nine was that I made new friends and have had all high/well done class so far.
Do you like working in quadmesters more or less than working on all subjects year round? Why or why not?
For me personally, I like working more in Quadmesters more than, all the subjects in one day. I like this routine better because you don't have a lot of homework when you go home, you have the whole day in class to do it. Another reason why I like Quadmesters better in high school is because you have one whole week in that class so, it's easier to talk to different people and make new/more friends.