Luokat: Kaikki - residential - indigenous - events

jonka Kayla Alexandropoulos - Robert H Lagerquist Sr PS (1473) 2 vuotta sitten


Letter To Mayor of Brampton

A letter addressed to the Mayor of Brampton highlights the necessity of respecting and acknowledging the history and struggles of Indigenous communities, particularly in the context of the 94 Calls to Action.

Letter To Mayor of Brampton

Letter To Mayor of Brampton

Some reserves don't have clean water or good envrironments to live in and this can bring knowledge to that

Europeans took the land and we need to respect how much pain they went trough

Only a few calls to action have been done and many more should be acknowledged

Talk about taking the land, residential schools

Every ward has their own event

Mandatory beyond schools for T and R to acknowledge.

Create a more permanent display: half mast flags, always fly the Every Child matters flag, create a memorial

Suggest having all day events for T and R day

Honour survivors in person

Show to respect to residential schools

Mention there are calls to action about honouring Sept 30th as a Day of Mourning

It is his duty as a part of 94 Calls To Action

Feels like creating a holiday on September 30th that only benefits the government is breaking one of the 94 Calls To Action

Rename a park to acknowledge a famous Indigenous person from the area

Important not just to acknowledge T and R day on one day but everyday because it wasn't just one day of wrong doing to Indigenous groups

Introduction could include why we are writing IE: we discovered there was not enough events happening